big dave2

New Member
HELLO folks its victor meldrew here,just got the diff fixed its now SMOOOOOTH and quiet, lovely,the lads been out in it today,comes back hey da the suspension wont come up,.. AAAAAAAGH.....SO the compressors running most of the time i cant here any air leaks ( soapy water test tomorrow weather permitting) now i have the full history documented ,no mention of eas problems,SOOO im wondering if the compressor is tired,ill do the soapy water test first,what do you think if no leak compressor rebuild or what???????...dave all comments,advice greatly appreciated.....dave:confused:
ayup fett ive allready got a classic mate this was supposed to replace it but i have to keep it going cos i need it for shooting.
any how work this out the boss +son +daughter in law all reckon my old classic,s getin too old toooo much work ect,get some money spent you tight old git,i hummed and harrred a fair bit ,the lads on nights phone rings here da get on the puter theres a p38 diesel on there it belongs to a mate of mine you can get it cheap cos ive bin talking to him,upshot we go and have a look,looks nice and tidy sold as seen its for nowt hmmmm
the boss sez get it bought ,ok the lads jumping cos he does on this than the old classic "no good moaning sez i it was your idea " lol ,its a p i t a but cracking when its running right........dave
Have a look for leaks first of all. If you find any sort them. Also compressors get tired after a while they are not the most efficient or robust air compressor i have ever seen. Take compressor mounts off and lift it up, you will see a blue pipe undo either end of that. With compressor running put your finger over outlet with medium pressure, air should be forced past your finger at some stage if not replace compressor piston seal.
HELLO wammers ,it never rains but it pours ffs,like i said i havent done the soapy water test yet but im leaning towards the compressor;i cant hear any air leaks,+the whole van is down not just one corner.the lads on nights this week so im thinking ill do the compressor first (i can do that myself ;no kneeling) then pipes airbags ect.i have the full history of the rangie and the compressor has never been replaced ,its the original so it must be well tired by now!!!!what you reckon new piston and seal or recon compressor? cheers ....dave
New piston and seal, easy job. A Dutch company on Ebay does an uprated kit for about £50 I believe. Read some good reports on it and I think it comes with instructions.
Ok look at compressor, but be aware that the compressor is only of small volume and any leak in the system will over work it grossly. It supplies 150 psi max, there is nowhere near that pressure used to inflate bags,even to full height. So with a full tank at 150 psi, there are several height changes available before compressor needs to run again. A constantly running or running more often than usual compressor can mean a few things. It can be that the compressor has just got tired and needs overhaul. Or it can mean you have sprung a leak somewhere and the compressor that was maybe a little tired from years of use, has given up the ghost because of the leak constantly demanding more air. NO leaks is the key to a long lived compressor. Even with a new seal in it. Piston seal about £20 to £30 depending where you get them. About an hour to fit. Soapy water for leak test free from her indoors.
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:mad:THE leak test will be getting done no problem,the motor had airbags fitted in august 09 ,i bought the car in may 10 its allways taken a couple of days to drop to the bump stops,start up ,2/3 seconds later its up to full height back first ,front last ;1--------2 up sort of thing.With it being stood in the garage whilst messing with the diff its obvious summats gone i thought the compressor was the best place to start+i can do this,sort it by the weekend hopefully when my son finishes nights,then pipes and air bags ect.......its bloody awefull gettin old i feckin hate it.....dave:mad:
:mad:THE leak test will be getting done no problem,the motor had airbags fitted in august 09 ,i bought the car in may 10 its allways taken a couple of days to drop to the bump stops,start up ,2/3 seconds later its up to full height back first ,front last ;1--------2 up sort of thing.With it being stood in the garage whilst messing with the diff its obvious summats gone i thought the compressor was the best place to start+i can do this,sort it by the weekend hopefully when my son finishes nights,then pipes and air bags ect.......its bloody awefull gettin old i feckin hate it.....dave:mad:

You and me both mate.
I must admit he,s a good lad but he,s got a family of his own to see to and i dont like asking him to help especially as the grandson nearly 2 and a handfull,but he plays merry hell if i get down on the deck to do stuff( stupid old bugger why didnt you ring me ,you got a mobile,wassa matter wiv yer,MAM tell im to ring me dont let him crawl about on the floor) you cant bloody win. i had both my knees done last year and they,r champion but you cant kneel down you got to sit+plus its hard getting up,bugger i hate it...dave
:mad:THE leak test will be getting done no problem,the motor had airbags fitted in august 09 ,i bought the car in may 10 its allways taken a couple of days to drop to the bump stops,start up ,2/3 seconds later its up to full height back first ,front last ;1--------2 up sort of thing.With it being stood in the garage whilst messing with the diff its obvious summats gone i thought the compressor was the best place to start+i can do this,sort it by the weekend hopefully when my son finishes nights,then pipes and air bags ect.......its bloody awefull gettin old i feckin hate it.....dave:mad:

It might be too obvious to mention but you didn't accidentally dislodge/shift a pipe when you were working on the diff ?
NICE thought mate ,i wish but we were nowere near the pipes twas the rear diff we where doing ,pipes run down either chassis leg ,,,,damn n blast its never bloody simple is it!!!!!!!!! gonna sleep on it..dave
TRUE mate very true,ive got a cracking little grandson ,he thinks the world of his GANDA ,but i cant catch the little beggar ffs........dave
AAAH WELL back to the saga,checked output of compressor ,next to nothing when running full bore gentle pressure stops it,so new compressor.I fitted it tonight streuth!some pressure out of it the old one must have been barely 20% of the new 1
OK it comes up now, albeit slowly it takes a little while to get to ride height,turn engine of you can here it going down,so soapy water tomorrow,the rear air bags where done august 08,the fronts where done in april 07..........err how long do they last????? i dunno anyhow press on tomorrow...........dave:frusty:
BACK to the saga did soapy water test,front airbags leaking,fri two front airbags,open door ,start engine,fill air tank ,close door,car shoots to to height,put car to full height ,open door,leave overnight,champion no movement

put car at normal height,shut door,lock car,following morning still up ho ho ho ,we've cracked it,shifted motors round get rangie out run round to bakery,bout half a mile ,come out of bakery its on the bump stops ffs.

drive home steady,do soapy water test,cant find any leaks anywhere,,,im stuck,stymied, i was wondering if anybody has any ideas,,,any help idea ect would be most appreiciated........dave
Have you got the 35mph message? You need to get the software and read the faults to find out what is going on.

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