
New Member
Well guys I sorted the handling out, new rear bush, fixed the leaking seal and oh, the totally destroyed wheel bearing, now she handles very well indeed, I did find that I had no central pipe on the exhaust, never noticed, but I treated her to a new one anyway, and low and behold, no change in noise lol, anyway anyway anyway,

I also changed the coolant and replaced the thermostat and now I get about 2 degrees of heat from the heater, no use at all to be honest and the other day when it snowed I had to keep spraying antifreeze on the inside of the window while driving, now thats ok apart from me being rather high when I got out of the disco. Any ideas on how to get the heater giving out more heat please? I know that more heat will increase the smell of horse and mainly dog in the car but hey its going to get colder soon and I at least would rather not have my hands sticking to the steering wheel from frost lol, all ideas welcome and acted on ( bar small fires on dash )
Take the heater out and put it back in a gain with new foam seals. blank the radiator of with a bit of ply or of your rich a posh radiator muff. Open the windows to stop condensation and wear Thinsulate gloves and a ballycalaver. Set fire to the dog.
flush out the heater matrix, and possibly renew the flow/return pipes.
if the flow is poor to/from the matrix then maybe a new matrix will be required.
possibly a poor water pump. impellers have been know to shear off, or break fins.

is the engine temps ok? if not then the same process with the main rad.
as grunt says, blank off half the rad will help. use some tinfoil to test.
adjust the foil to suit.
I like the idea of tin foil, had a word with the dog and is non to pleased about dipping his tail in petrol and holding it near the window screen. I have read that heater matrix is whole dash out, is this the case for flushing it out? Engine temp is ok so I doubt its the head gasket as temp sits at about half way and the engine rev counter is stable, no milk in the oil etc
Don't know why but I'd got it into my head you had a depender. So please accept my apologies and ignore my comments they are not disco related except for the setting fire to the dog bit.
without a manual and being stuuuupid on my last one I had a cap on the radiator and knew that, that is where I put the coolant in and also the hose pipe, on the disco there is no cap so if I go pulling pipes off and sticking hose pipes in things do I refill from the expansion tank?
yes, take the two heater hoses offat the block, not the matrix, there are the thinner ones, poke the spay nozzle thingy on the end of your hose into the bottom hose, turn it on and leave it flowing until all the **** has run out of the top heater hose and clear watr is running out, then refit the hoses,making sure you tighten them up, fill yer rad in the expansion bottle/tank, then start your engine, leave it running for about 15 minutes with the cap OFF the expansion tank. keep topping it up if needed, after 15 minutes you will see the water circulating into your expansion tank without any air bubbles. then put the rad cap on and robert is yer mothers brother ;)
Don't know why but I'd got it into my head you had a depender. So please accept my apologies and ignore my comments they are not disco related except for the setting fire to the dog bit.

Grunt it is the Disco forum! You have now officially lost it! ;)
Yeah but right no listen right if you just click on the "new posts" bit at the top and are having a conversation with someone on MSN and have Dolly Partons greatest hits on the 'puter, then you don't always notice which department your in.

But I will concurr that I have lost it.

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