No it may not be the FOB. If the LED flashes, it is likely to be OK. It could be the FOB receiver in the O/S rear quarter under the plastic trim that takes the parcel shelf.
@Datatek, ahhh ok, thank you. Going to get my EKA code tomorow once the service departments open up, have a crack at that and if no joy start ripping it to bits 😂
Owners handbook from RAVE below the sync procedure is different, but +1 on what Keith said in post #3. I have used the same procedure several times.

Have you tried the key in the drivers door lock, turn to lock and press the lock button on the FOB, turn to unlock and press the unlock button on the FOB?

Owners handbook from RAVE below the sync procedure is different, but +1 on what Keith said in post #3. I have used the same procedure several times.

View attachment 300716
Thanks @pwood999 will try this and see how I go

ive phoned Landrover this morning and I’m waiting on the EKA code to try this next, if that fails I’m going to disconnect the neg (DOOR OPEN) wait 15 and reconnect then leave it an hour and try. Failing that it’s getting recovered to Kinross unless I can find someone with a nanocom in Lanarkshire.

Guys just keeping this thread live for the next poor sod to track.

So, two days in still no EKA from LR, shambles.

Tried every combo of key sync I can think of including the standing on your left leg, right eye shut, breath through your nose and whistle the National anthem whislt turning the key to u lock and pressing both fob buttons.

Phoned about loads asking after a nanocom, more chance of getting ‘the art of fly fishing by J R Hartley”

Now sitting waiting on AA to go to full recovery mode and get it to a random garage. Will keep it going with updates and post a solution when I get one in the hope we can help someone else out.

Thanks for all the help so far, really appreciated!! #I ❤️ my p38

Guys just keeping this thread live for the next poor sod to track.

So, two days in still no EKA from LR, shambles.

Tried every combo of key sync I can think of including the standing on your left leg, right eye shut, breath through your nose and whistle the National anthem whislt turning the key to u lock and pressing both fob buttons.

Phoned about loads asking after a nanocom, more chance of getting ‘the art of fly fishing by J R Hartley”

Now sitting waiting on AA to go to full recovery mode and get it to a random garage. Will keep it going with updates and post a solution when I get one in the hope we can help someone else out.

Thanks for all the help so far, really appreciated!! #I ❤️ my p38
Getting it to a garage is unlikely to fix the problem and very likely to bankrupt you.

So, to conclude this episode, AA came to tow it, decided they couldn’t and sent a lorry to pick it up. Guy hooked her on and we pulled her on the flat bed, drove the 2 miles home and I jumped in to let her off the flat bed. Whilst doing this I accidentally pressed the key fob……………… and the doors locked. Pressed again and they opened………stuck them in the barrel, and she started up!!!!!

I have no words, spoke to a friend and the best he could come up with was the battery acid level was low and the slight slope I was sitting on didn’t giver her enough juice, giggling her about sloshed the battery acid about and as a result she’s got enough power to go again.

The maddest bit is, my parrot Bluetooth packed in 3/4 month ago and that’s came back to life!

If the Fob works in different location, then there's probably RF interference in the other location. Any mobile phone towers near you ??

So, to conclude this episode, AA came to tow it, decided they couldn’t and sent a lorry to pick it up. Guy hooked her on and we pulled her on the flat bed, drove the 2 miles home and I jumped in to let her off the flat bed. Whilst doing this I accidentally pressed the key fob……………… and the doors locked. Pressed again and they opened………stuck them in the barrel, and she started up!!!!!

I have no words, spoke to a friend and the best he could come up with was the battery acid level was low and the slight slope I was sitting on didn’t giver her enough juice, giggling her about sloshed the battery acid about and as a result she’s got enough power to go again.

The maddest bit is, my parrot Bluetooth packed in 3/4 month ago and that’s came back to life!

In that case, it is likely that the signal was being blocked by interference from nearby WiFi, wireless door bell or the like. Not an uncommon problem, in fact if I park mine on the top floor of the city multi story car park where we live, the FOB will not work. With the EKA and immobiliser turned off in the BECM, it's no problem as I can just unlock with the key and drive away.
Had something similar once, went to local recycling center no problems turn engine off, unloaded, come to start her back up and nowt, engine disabled on dash. Had to get recovered back home. Once home tried to start and she fired up no problems. Now whenever we take anything to the recycling center we leave her running.
In my case it's always this car park where the Fob becomes a challenge !! Park anywhere near that Cell antenna & car will not lock on the fob.

None of the shops have automatic doors, so less likely to be 433Mhz unless there's other stuff nearby. My guess is it's the LTE 800Mhz mobile RF interference.

Had something similar once, went to local recycling center no problems turn engine off, unloaded, come to start her back up and nowt, engine disabled on dash. Had to get recovered back home. Once home tried to start and she fired up no problems. Now whenever we take anything to the recycling center we leave her running.
😂😂😂 brilliant
If the Fob works in different location, then there's probably RF interference in the other location. Any mobile phone towers near you ??
None that I’m aware of, she was parked outside kind of all sorts shop but they do electrical stuff and quite a lot of it. Won’t be parking there again!
In that case, it is likely that the signal was being blocked by interference from nearby WiFi, wireless door bell or the like. Not an uncommon problem, in fact if I park mine on the top floor of the city multi story car park where we live, the FOB will not work. With the EKA and immobiliser turned off in the BECM, it's no problem as I can just unlock with the key and drive away.
Was there a lot of work in getting the EKA and immobiliser turned off??? Thinking I could get my guy in Kinross to do this and solve the problem going forward!
Was there a lot of work in getting the EKA and immobiliser turned off??? Thinking I could get my guy in Kinross to do this and solve the problem going forward!

If your guy in Kinross has the right diagnostic kit, it's easy (i.e. Nanocom, LR T4, etc.). If not he probably cannot do it.

Nanocom can also verify if the BECM is receiving a valid code from your Fob. If you're gonna keep the car buying a Nanocom will save money in the long run.
Had something similar once, went to local recycling center no problems turn engine off, unloaded, come to start her back up and nowt, engine disabled on dash. Had to get recovered back home. Once home tried to start and she fired up no problems. Now whenever we take anything to the recycling center we leave her running.
You probably scare it to death, leaving the engine running reassures that is not being left there
None that I’m aware of, she was parked outside kind of all sorts shop but they do electrical stuff and quite a lot of it. Won’t be parking there again!

Was there a lot of work in getting the EKA and immobiliser turned off??? Thinking I could get my guy in Kinross to do this and solve the problem going forward!
It's less than 10 minutes to turn on the diagnostics, go into the BECM, turn off EKA and Immobiliser, save and exit. DO NOT turn off the alarm.

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