I take Carbocisteine capsules twice a day, a capsule powder inhaler (Onbrez) once a day and, Fostair inhaler twice a day, I also have the usual Ventolin inhaler but,
as the other meds are working so well rarely use it.
Ouch! I thought they'd just "up" the dosage of the 3 inhalers I'm on, but doc says I'm on max already. Didn't realise multiple meds needed to treat COPD. Are you on that lot for life now?
Definite sprog here then - 51 tomorrow. Still got my hair but the memory getting a little fuzzy at times. Worn knees / ankles / neck and duff wrist. Good teeth.

Must've gone soft in the head though got a Guzzi and a P38!
Whereabouts in Manc-land are you at?
I got one of them inhaler but dot use it now had copd test last year bad cough but got the all clear smoke 30 to 40 a day had the enemy with me when the doc said got lungs of a horse think all the chemicals in the smokes keeping everything else at bay

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