Yeah. The treatment sounds like it is gonna be rough. Teeth removed, a couple of months of radiation and chemotherapy and a stomach tube so I can get some nutrition when my throat is out of order.
As others have said, I know someone who's had treatment for mouth and throat cancer. It's rough, no doubt about it, but he's cancer free now and looking at a very nearly normal life (his speech is still a bit off, but he's from t'north so it always was ;)). That's miraculous compared to even a few years ago. Best wishes for your recovery!
As others have said, I know someone who's had treatment for mouth and throat cancer. It's rough, no doubt about it, but he's cancer free now and looking at a very nearly normal life (his speech is still a bit off, but he's from t'north so it always was ;)). That's miraculous compared to even a few years ago. Best wishes for your recovery!
Bit below the belt from someone from no man's land.:eek:;)
For the last couple of years my rheumatoid arthiritis and copd well under control with meds, currently feeling pretty good but, I have to remind myself,
I'm 68 this year and, not a thirty something athlete:)
The last year, I thought my asthma was getting worse, but "spirometry" tests suggest I have COPD. I've now got to wait goodness how long to see a specialist, but wondering what meds you are on for COPD please?
The last year, I thought my asthma was getting worse, but "spirometry" tests suggest I have COPD. I've now got to wait goodness how long to see a specialist, but wondering what meds you are on for COPD please?
I take Carbocisteine capsules twice a day, a capsule powder inhaler (Onbrez) once a day and, Fostair inhaler twice a day, I also have the usual Ventolin inhaler but,
as the other meds are working so well rarely use it.

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