no more like $10 a gallon.
uk see.[/quote

Well the difference between our 2 country's is yours put more taxes on fuel than ours does. Oil is sold on the word market at what ever the price is XXXX Both country's pay the same for that oil after that then the taxes are added the only difference is the tax rate. Yours taxes the heck out of it so blame Uk government, not the Us for having cheap fuel

And BP is the largest oil refiney here ( a british company)
Get in n turn the key...then drive off, laughing at the nextdoor neighbour with the doozal engine!
no more like $10 a gallon.
uk see.[/quote

Well the difference between our 2 country's is yours put more taxes on fuel than ours does. Oil is sold on the word market at what ever the price is XXXX Both country's pay the same for that oil after that then the taxes are added the only difference is the tax rate. Yours taxes the heck out of it so blame Uk government, not the Us for having cheap fuel

And BP is the largest oil refiney here ( a british company)

No it's not.
Only four of the board of directors are British!!

Doesn't make it British or otherwise.

Please read this as it states BP ( world head quarters in London) is the USA largest producer of refined oil products .

BP - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh and when you doubt me show some proof

When I've asked you for proof of something you've ignored me, so don't get on your high-horse and come over all santimonious.
Right peeps, I know i havent got a LR yet but i was taught my engine knowledge on diesel marine engines so know how a fuel rail and a helical works.

"My Rant / Advice is about peeps who complain there Die's ( some of this will work for petrols) dont start up easily in winter . This is due to lack of knowledge or ignorance. So here are some tips . . . "

Well boys and girls, I hope his tips work tomorrow morning because it is WINTER here this evening, for sure!

Now then, my TD5 Disco . . . where do I find the fuel rail and the helical ?
Does anyone know?

But I changed the oil and filter last week - another 7 litres of tractor Universal.

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