
Hey all.

On my never ending quest to hunt down a bastard nasty vibration I've now decided to remove the one remaining front disc guard.

Anyone got any tips on doing this - don't want to unbolt anything brake hydraulic related by accident!

Ta in advance
undo the bolt holding it on and remove it. It has a locating lug that fits into a slot on the bracket. you can remove the guard without touchin the bracket.
Thanks Red - is that the bolt on the bottom on the tab hanging under the brake assembly?

Ta again
Thanks Red - is that the bolt on the bottom on the tab hanging under the brake assembly?

Ta again

there is the bolt at the bottom and its also secured by lock stop bolt nut it helps to prise tap open a bit where it sits over top bracket
Is the lock stop bold but the one that's attached to the bolt that looks half way in? Is this OK to temporarily remove?

Sorry for the stupid questions - I'll happily have a bash at most things but am wary of cocking about with the brakes.

Ta again
its the nut for the bolt that needs removing but may require undoing the bolt to achieve ,its adjusted when wheels are in ful lock so that tryes dont catch radius arm so easy enough to set
Is there any risk/harm by removing the splash guards? Mine rotted away so removed what was left, but do have another set if needs be.

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