
hi i know my landy isnt a car and doesnt therefor have the pull away speeds. But is there anything i can do to increase it just for pulling out at junctions etc

I have a 2005 td4 sport

#1 remove an EGR and clean manifold for all restrictions

#2 mod the intake from crap restricted plastic stuff to true 2" and 3" SS one with silicone jointers instead of crap rubbers

#3 Put a bigger IC instead stock one

#4 Change injectors
#5 Change lift fuel pump for better food supply
#6 Put modded turbocharger (lightweight compression wheel, slight bigger, better balancing, VNT correction)
#7 Tune up all the stuff on Dyno and do a remap... / go for Synergy2 /use both of them

Do an exhaust and hear the power

Put right pedal to the floor and feel the power

oh and first of all, make sure that everything is fine with it (MAF is not out of spec, Fuel pressure sensor on rail and harness, VNT solenoid blah blah blah) before start checklist. All vacuum lines need to be checked for leaks. Vacuum reservoir must be in good working condition. Engine breather filter should be changed.

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#1 and #2 not much. Intake about 120 pound, egr remove about 25 . Both DIY jobs.
Serious money comes when you change IC and rest of stuff.
Remap is about 230-250.

Complete list above is about 1500-1700 quid - depend on part quality and work hours.
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or... get a remap for £200~, and get a reasonable bump

No, it won't get you as much as all of the above - but it's an instant no-effort answer :)
Having said all that. Manual TD4's should have more than enough pep even in stock trim to have no problem at junctions and traffic lights. Autos are more sluggish though. But if yours feels really slow, then maybe a good service and do something with the EGR is all it needs.
Borrow an L Series for a couple of hours, then go back to your TD4... it will miraculously feel much quicker!

Don't borrow it for more than a couple of hours though - or else you won't want to go back to the TD4.
thanks for all the replies.

Its good on acceleration once its got upto about 30 but 0 to 30 is crap.

its going in for full service this fri and all round check while its still under warrenty.. i will ask him about the remapping and the egr
bg engine service makes the world of difference , I've got an L series good revs biting point was the clutch and she flies not sluggish at all, all she's had is egr blank and the bg engine flush service...

you could try taking the hand brake off ...

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