Big Mat

Well-Known Member
Morning all,

I'm trying to remove my injectors to take them to be testing and i cannot get 3 of them out.

The first one came out very easily, but the next 3 do not want to move at all.

Anyone got any suggestion of how to get them out without damaging them?

Morning all,

I'm trying to remove my injectors to take them to be testing and i cannot get 3 of them out.

The first one came out very easily, but the next 3 do not want to move at all.

Anyone got any suggestion of how to get them out without damaging them?

if its a series engine , then you lever them out ,you may need 2 levers 1 each side
I've tried levering them but they don't want to shift. Put abit of diesel on them to soak in and hopefully help.

I did discover one problem when i removed the rocker cover to give more space for leverage. One of the rockers has broken in half!
the other option is to lock two nuts on a stud and remove studs in turn so you can knock injector round to break the hold
Got the studs out and tried twisting it but it does not want to come out still.

Going to make up a tool so that i can twist it whilst pulling.
Try slackening off the retaining studs and then turning the engine over a couple of times.

It's worked for me in the past.
I've taken the studs out and have been knocking the injectors round.

Got one out with my diy puller, soaking the other two overnight and will have another go tomorrow.

Just got to get another rocker ordered to replace that!
2 pieces of threaded bar or bolts that fit the holes in the injector with a nut threaded on it under the injector wing sat against a couple of hefty coins like a 10p or similar and then wind the nut up the threaded bar or bolt to lift the injector while you shock them loose with a rubber mallet or copper hammer :D:D:D
Try slackening off the retaining studs and then turning the engine over a couple of times.

It's worked for me in the past.
Its worked for me too,but once I forgot to put the nuts back on and now have an injector shaped hole in the workshop roof!!:rolleyes:
Its worked for me too,but once I forgot to put the nuts back on and now have an injector shaped hole in the workshop roof!!:rolleyes:

:hysterically_laughi classic :D:D seen that happen with a spark plug on a granada engine ( took half the distributor with it )
I'll give some of the other ideas a try when it stopped sodding raining.

I'd love a nice warm dry garage right now!
I've tried every method on here that i can possibly do, except for the slide hammer and nut/bolt method.

Can't do the nut/bolt method as there isnt enough room under the injector wing and don't have a slide hammer.

Turning the engine over with them slackended off doesnt help either!
right its stealth and witt over brute force then

get a good heafty screwdriver under the injector wing on one side and twot the top of the injector with the mallet towards the side your levering against ( short sharp twots not bleddy gert whacks ) eventually youll get the bugger rocking slightly then swap sides with the screwdriver

if you have some anywhere use a syringe or similar to squirt some paint thinners down the side of the injector ( it doesnt arff loosen the carbon up and turns it from solid to like sludge )

ill bet the reason theyre stuck is due to soot n **** got round them coz whoever fitted them last time only put the set of large copper washers in and forgot the spring head copper washers right in the bottom of the hole :D
Sort of used your method johnny and they are now out!

Lot of carbony ****e round them!

As Johnny says - gets some of the spring washers and have a good clean up and a pint or two of copper slip when it all goes back...
Sort of used your method johnny and they are now out!

Lot of carbony ****e round them!
Should be little metal washers round the tip of the sprayer. Sometimes peeps leave them out or there are two or three down the hole. I think this is where the carbon blows up around the injector. When you replace make sure you have one new washer down each hole as well as the big copper washer.

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