I pulled my mobile crane to start it ,late for work(wife laying on me shirt tail) got to work late crane wouldnt start battery down ,tried to borrow forklift no bother half hour mate !!!!f+ck!!! checked air still up brick under wheel to stop it runnin back ,chains on front ,ring on towbar ,4th gear mate in cab very gently with landy low first,just got her moving nicely my mate eases clutch up couple turns of engine away she goes PHEW .sii 1958 ,swb petrol landy ;25 ton grove mobile crane with a leyland 680 engine no bother, the landy used to belong to a friends father i later found out he used to move railway wagons with it cos he was a coal merchant ,also used it to tow a 3ton cabin cruiser with ,launch it ......ahh thats why the back end was rotten now we know.ps i didnt know that when i bought the bugger!!!!!!!PKY383 were are you now old girl???
so what do you guys think of the idea of pullng over 40 ft ash trees so I don't have to use my chainsaw? they're fully rooted of course. I was thinking of a long tow rope tied about half way up the tree in my 2.5na 90 :)
so what do you guys think of the idea of pullng over 40 ft ash trees so I don't have to use my chainsaw? they're fully rooted of course. I was thinking of a long tow rope tied about half way up the tree in my 2.5na 90 :)

depends how depply rooted they are and what sort of soil it is. you could try digging on the opposite side to the one you'll be pulling from to loosen the soil & roots.
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depends how depply rooted they are and what sort of soil it is. you could try digging on the opposite side to the one you'll be pulling from to loosen the soil & roots.

Right on, and pull BACKWARDS for better grip with the engine over the front wheels.

I have a front towball on my Disco for the very same reason.

Do it VERY gently, and common sense says make sure the rope is twice as long as the tree is high.

its not the height of the trees you want to worry about if your gonna try pulling them over, it's the girth oooo errr, oh and excavate all the way around the tree as much as possible but with a deeper section in the direction of pull, ideally with the rope at least half to three quarters up the tree.
its not the height of the trees you want to worry about if your gonna try pulling them over, it's the girth oooo errr, oh and excavate all the way around the tree as much as possible but with a deeper section in the direction of pull, ideally with the rope at least half to three quarters up the tree.
Height of the tree very much matters. Unless you want an ex Landy and a sore head.


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It is amazing how far a "not all that tall" tree can fall when it topples over, and by that time it is WAY too late to do anything about it.

Thought you might like to see what can go wrong for real.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxwYTsmNCoQ&feature=PlayList&p=8DA9421121B7A35A&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=2"]YouTube - tree felling gone wrong..[/ame]

Surely iy was obvious to anybody with an ounce of common sense?
I do recall saying to use a rope at least twice as long as the tree is tall, but clearly that guy wasn't listening. I bet he was a BIG EXPERT who doesn't need any advice.

What did he expect to happen?

hahahaha... and they are afrikaans south africans, or as we know them back in SA, bloody rockspiders. They unfortunately, are actually that, expert, thick skinned, stupid. There would have been no telling that dude of the impending disaster. Made me laugh anyway...
hahahaha... and they are afrikaans south africans, or as we know them back in SA, bloody rockspiders. They unfortunately, are actually that, expert, thick skinned, stupid. There would have been no telling that dude of the impending disaster. Made me laugh anyway...
I guess the term "bakki" when referring to the pick up gave the game away - apart from the accents that is.

I spent many years in SA at a god forsaken place called Mooinooi working around the platinum mines.
you can pull heavy stuff with an NA... a 20 foor tree trunk out from under 6 foot of hard clay, by one end fer example!

Blooody Hell boydy!!

There's me thinking 150 kilo rocks being pulled about in mine was something!

Fcking titan efforts all round! :)
Thats a heavy load with no brakes. Also expensive.he
You should have syphoned some of the diesel out first. ;););)

It was only eight and a half tons tons plus the bowser ... he should have towed it home .... low range, and stay clear of steep hills !

It was only eight and a half tons tons plus the bowser ... he should have towed it home .... low range, and stay clear of steep hills !


That was the problem CharlesY there was steep hill and main roads on the route he wanted it towing, 5mph in a 60 mph zone probably not go down to well with the plod
That was the problem CharlesY there was steep hill and main roads on the route he wanted it towing, 5mph in a 60 mph zone probably not go down to well with the plod

You are right. And he would not have needed to be taken to a weighbridge!

Pity .... 10,000 litres of diesel at £1 a litre ...

Where did he say this bowser is?


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