I was gonna buy the kit from tinly for £550 and fit it myself and then get it check by the local lpg fitter, sound like a plan? will I need two vapourisers for the twin SU'S ?
That's too dear Fett.. IMO of course!

You need the most basic of kits... all simple, proven stuff.. £100 off ebay if you don't mind 2nd hand. You won't need two vapourisers, just get something with two gas outlets. Then pick up a service kit for it (£30 for the OMVL R90e on mine). Obviously you'll want new piping and hoses (£20ish max).
Getting it checked and set up by your local man is a very good idea.. just make sure he know's what he's doing!
oh he knows alrite, just want to charge me 2k for an install is the problem.

not sure about used kits as I will need instructions and not too much bodging to occure :doh:
Hmmm, that's dear for a multi-point system, let alone a mixer (which is the only option on a carb-fed motor).
Yes, minimum bodgery of course.. but the only electricery on open loop systems is the switch, level of liquid in the tank and the two-wire solenoids that stop the petrol being pumped through and allow the gas solenoid valves to open! Simples :D
Hi boys and girls, i drove past my local BP garage today in Dover, Kent, where i get my LPG from only to see 72.9p per litre !!!!! This must be the most expensive in the uk ????
Petrol in same garage is £1.20 per litre. Diesel is £1.25 per litre.
I think i should move!!!

i filled up my saab today and noticed that the LPG has gone up to 89.7 ( SHELL) in Tonbridge kent when i first got my RR it was 65.2
Hi all. my local BP went from 70.9 to 73.9 (+ 5%) when vat went up by 2 1/2 %) last Tuesday 73.9 nesteday went up to 78.9p. Robbers!! Differential to Diesel is getting smaller, diesel 133.9p Same Station was 59.9 last October.
My local lpg station which used to be cheap, went up 7p a litre in a week.

He tried telling me it was the tax increase! Profiteering buggers.
I was still thinking of getting my P38 on gas once its back on the road but the was gas is going up it makes the install cost not worth it.
95 litres at 72ppl at my local today. Sounds like it's one of the cheaper ones. Yes the price of LPG is a joke, but it's better (and still cheaper) than putting diseasal in at £1.34ppl.
Bloody BP stations **** me off!!! My local one in Dover on the A20 is 85.9, went to london last night and filled up at another one on the A406 and it was 75.9 !!!! ****ing robbing ****s!!!
HI THERE . LPG at my local bp is now 81p a litre , 10 miles away shell is 72p both robbing bstds . because at my local builders merchant its 66p but best of all is the calor center in bellshill where it just rose to 60p a litre ,only problem is they only open during normal bussines hours,worth shopping around £10 difference on a fill up .whish i had fitted a bigger tank now..........................rab.
Filled up at 68p a Litre yesterday at Andy's Gas at Cribbs Causeway in Bristol. My Countrywide account works out at 77p, so a good saving there.
Local Sainsburys Charlton 67.9 ppl
BP Charlton 73.9 ppl
BP Greenwich 73.9 ppl
It got me thinking, Im now paying for LPG what unleaded was costing just ten years ago aprx! IE, in only 10 years unleaded has doubled in price.....
the scumbag govt keeps putting it up knowing we have no fekkin choice!
I remember in the bad old days, pre-ANPR & instant roadside seizure of vehicles, my motorbikes used to have scrawled in the tax disc holder:
'B0LL0X TO THE ROAD TAX' ..........aah, the good 'ol days!
remember in the bad old days, pre-ANPR & instant roadside seizure of vehicles, my motorbikes used to have scrawled in the tax disc holder:
'B0LL0X TO THE ROAD TAX' ..........aah, the good 'ol days!

Trouble is, Brits don't kick up about these things like the French do, and if you do kick up in the UK, the cops jump all over you like the Stazi because not enough people take part.:mad:
Here boys this was posted by Wills on a different thread in Nov 2007

hmmm, dont know which way to vote really. If it was quite literally just the diesel or the petrol i would say go for the diesel, better MPG, less problems with overheating and no slipped liners however, last night when i filled mine up, the price of diesel round here is 103.9. Ok, yes, the price of fuel is always on the up but its getting bloody expensive these days so maybe a 4.0 on LPG would be the better alternative.

so its gone up about 30 percent in 3 years wished my fookin wages had
We are still saving 50-60p per litre. When the rangies was first converted it was only 30p- so its still worth it. makes payback quicker. 80k miles i've had the usual problems associated with head gaskets. My shell at the bottom of my road has shut for new petrol tanks in the ground and has made it a pain shopping for gas. There is a bp on the way to work at 71.9 and 6 miles later a shell at 81.9. that makes me boil over. We put up with far too much crap and i can see a revolt on the horizon. ive been told dead cheap gas in the centre of peterborough so will explore tomorrow to save a few quid. Will report back on that. I complain every time at the counter but 90% dont understand english , but thats another thread in another forum

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