
New Member
Hi guys, this is my first post so il keep it as brief as possible. My dad ownes a 1987 ex MOD defender with an original perkins engine im told. He paid 7000 for it from PA Blanchards a few years ago and theres some pretty nasty looking rust on the chassis but engine, gear box etc is good. Could anyone give me an idea of what it might be worth ? I realise it might be hard to say but i just dont want him to get mugged off thats all.

Thanks in advance i apreciate any feedback !
Hi there, with respect it wont be an "original" Perkins engine as they didn't have Perkins. What is it, give us more details, 110 [LWB] or 90 [SWB]? Hard or soft top? How rusty? surface chassis rust or holes? Best bet is to check ebay and various ads. and see what similar are going for - good luck
Wow that was fast. Ok so your saying it couldnt have come out of the factory with a perkins ? Could it have been possible for someone to have a perkins put into it in that case or has someone just wrongly identified it ? As for rust id need to investigate more closely but it looks as if it could have almost rusted through in places on the back of the chassis below the rear door thats all iv seen. Its a 90 hardtop.

Thanks buddy im grateful you took the time to respond.
No, not original Perky - it is diesel yes? If so and original it'll be a 2.5 probably non turbo [I'm fairly sure) If it has been converted it could be any Perky but my guess, if he got it from blanchards is that it's original. 90's tend to be more valuable by a little bit - sounds like a rusty rear cross member, common and not as serious as rust elsewhere. Check for rust around door pillers, footwells etc. Ebay is best to get top money - brace yourself it's not worth much....................... I fear 2 grand would be lucky. [just my opinion, could go higher................] good luck
Okie dokie theres some food for thought. Definately a little dissapointing for sure considering its a bit of a collectable vehicle. Hey ho it is what it is i suppose... would it be worth more if it did have a perky in it ?

Okie dokie theres some food for thought. Definately a little dissapointing for sure considering its a bit of a collectable vehicle. Hey ho it is what it is i suppose... would it be worth more if it did have a perky in it ?


No, there's a small premium for originality, more so for ex military but which engine doesn't make a huge amount of difference.

A Perkins was a common replacement and have their fans but not exactly sought after.

Apart from general condition the biggest factor in value is chassis and bulkhead.
If I were closer I'd come and have a look..................... You need to give it a good look over, get a picture of the engine and post it on here - someone will know what engine you've got. 7 grand a few years back sounds like top money so hopefully you've got a good'un. IF it's mostly rear crossmember but everything else is sound then maybe more................. See if you can find similar on Ebay and watch it [also see what Blanchards are asking now...........................]
Yes i will do that matey i know its also had power steering put in and some fairly extensive welding done on the footwells so hopefully it wont be too bad. Il get some pics asap.

Thanks mate

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