how big are the men and how much has the engine got attached to it???
big blokes 2

ones that look like heffs 15 to make a ramp :D
haha just the engines mate, on there own, and turbos attached. there both in the back of my old landy and want em out so me mate can take the lift kit off ready to put on me new one. both lads are quiet stocky. hope they manage it then
Couple of spare tyres on the floor. Drag it out and let it drop onto the tyres.
should be no probs, get a couple of straps, to lift it with as the metal is pretty unforgiving on your hands
Rumour has it a tdi weighs about 400kg so don't forget to film it for posterity. Save a few hernias and borrow a crane.
chimps are way smaller than a man but upto 7 times stronger ! its not the size of the bloke its how strong they are. i know blokes who go to the gym every day, and look like a silver back gorilla but they are not as strong as some of the naturaly strong smaller guys i know who have never stepped foot inside a gym.
leave the back open and hi lift the front up

No imagination, Tie a rope to it, tie other end to a lamp -post or other immovable object and drive away. :D have someone standing by with a couple of tyres and just before the engine clears the back chuck the tyres underneath it.
get a decent film crew and set up cameras round in a circle, choose decent stuntmen and take out very good insurance then:

No imagination, Tie a rope to it, tie other end to a lamp -post or other immovable object and drive away. :D have someone standing by with a couple of tyres and just before the engine clears the back chuck the tyres underneath it.

then send off the vid to jeremy beadle and hope the 250 quid covers the costs of step 1....
if it were me i'd ave put it on a pallet, attached me special ramp that fixes to the towbar, tie the pallet to something that isnt going to move then drive away

and magically the pallet and it's contents will appear on the ground behind yer landy, having been pulled down the ramp

easy single person task and no one gets hurt

I used a short length of scaff pole and some straps, get someone on either end and away you go, it is bloody heavy though.
i had a 200 tdi in a trialer and towing it back i new it was there.

i had exactly the same thing happen to me !!!

i was towing a trailor once and every time i looked in my rear view mirror i could see it following right behind me ! when i wasnt looking in my rear view mirror i knew it was still going to be there !
go figure EH ? :eek:
park it in a smackhead area with the back door open wait till they get it out and then shout at them its amazing what them skinny little feckers can shift if they need a fix
I used to deliver engines, at a push one man can "walk" it down a plank, but I doubt health & safety would approve.
1st choice, engine crane.
2nd choice forklift
3rd choice tractor with front bucket
4th choice drop it onto tyres - watch the back bumper!
get a decent film crew and set up cameras round in a circle, choose decent stuntmen and take out very good insurance then:

then send off the vid to jeremy beadle and hope the 250 quid covers the costs of step 1....

Works everytime I've done it. Though I recently unloaded the TD engine out of the back of my 90. by using a ratchet strap to pull the engine half way out the back and then manhandled it the rest of the way out and let it drop onto 2 spare wheels. then pulled it off the wheels and dragged it across the yard. All on me lonesome.

When I put the engine in the back I put it on a fertiliser sack so it would slide easier on the way out.
never lifted a tdi but me and me mate have lifted a 3.5 v8 less ancilleries into and out of the back of a series 3 was reasonably easy but think a tdi lump may be a slighty more wieghty. Another idea, guessin you don't but do you have access to an engine crane??

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