Couple of spare tyres on the floor. Drag it out and let it drop onto the tyres.

Thats what I did when I changed the engine on my 300tdi. Once on the tyres I rocked it til it was off them and onto the floor. I then stuck a shovel under the sump and dragged it into my mates workshop on that.:D
Put a rope round it then tie the rope to an elephant, walk in front of the elephant with a bun. Thats how i do mine.
WE had to lift the straight 6 out of my mates DAtsun 240Z - that was a heavy lump, took 4 of us. We wrapped a tow rope around the bottom of the block and stuck a bit of 2x2 through the loop at the top - that way you don't have to lift it too high and you're not going to be up close and personal to your mates!

Good luck....mind your toes!


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Walk the plank,every time.Two regular general purpose blokes,maybe a bit of rope for that semi-contrlled slide.And yes,a 300tdi IS that heavy.

....and smackheads?Naaaah,you want some well wicked crackheads,more get up and go,innit?Yeah but no but...etc ad nauseum :doh:

...and funnily enuf I once noticed a caravan following me...all the way home!And I got a postcard today- with an elephant on it! (well a picture of one,not an actual pacyderm,that would be silly ) Its getting like the X Files on here...coincidence?I think not!

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