
Hi everyone

Well what seems like years ago (only 4 months in real time) I sent my 110 to a local garage for welding then to the neighbour for painting.

The welding seemed to take a life time but now the car has been with the painter for a few months also!

I know he said there was others in front of it but I have lots to do to get the car how I want!

So question is as the title, how long do you think is reasonable to wait before I move paint shops?
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It most certainly feels that way

I keep hearing of defenders being pinched, but I have not seen mine for so long if forgot how it looks!

After prep which is the biggest job, it should take not a lot more than half an hour to coat it up. Flatting and denibbing may take a little longer between coats. But after initial prep should be fully coated in a day or less depending on drying time of paint being used.
I think the issue I have is he is fitting it in around his bread and butter garage repair jobs....

That said I know another very good painter near me that has done great work on some kit cats for me that would do it if I decide to move it....

It does have a bit of bodywork to do but the guy himself had another defender in when I decided to put it there and said the bodywork was not in that bad condition compared to the other.

He does a great job I just do not think it is worth waiting much longer.
I think the issue I have is he is fitting it in around his bread and butter garage repair jobs....

That said I know another very good painter near me that has don't great work on some kit cats for me that would do it if I decide to move it....

It does have a bit of bodywork to do but the guy himself had another defender in when I decided to put it there and said the bodywork was not in that bad condition compared to the other.

He does a great job I just do not think it is worth waiting much longer.
id say it depends what your paying and what kind of job
Well I havnt asked for a trick paint job, after all it is what it is and will never be a show car.
It is a simple 2 colour paint job.

To be fair though like I say full paint jobs are not his bread and butter work and the price I am paying is not to bad...
Well I havnt asked for a trick paint job, after all it is what it is and will never be a show car.
It is a simple 2 colour paint job.

To be fair though like I say full paint jobs are not his bread and butter work and the price I am paying is not to bad...
have a very nice word but push your getting desperate, just so you both understand were you are,some not so simple jobs can get put back with pressing day to day business
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I think the issue I have is he is fitting it in around his bread and butter garage repair jobs....

TBH, The above makes it sound like he is doing this for "mates rates". If he is and he is busy earning good money doing his normal work and if is taking all his time then I would say your job is going to keep being put on the back burner.

However , if you are paying the going rate and he is just opting to do the easier jobs and he has enough to keep him fully utilised then I would also say your job is going to keep being put on the back burner.

Either way you look at it, politely explain the situation, if he has put no time into it yet, then define a finish date with him, if not possible it may behove you to move it somewhere else. I always ask for a date to get work done. Helps keep things moving along and avoids the situaton you find yourself in.

Time for a polite but serious talk I think. The fact that it's been posted on here suggests the OP is getting impatient. If it was me I'd ask if there was any realistic likelihood of it being done in the next couple of weeks and if not, I'd be taking it elsewhere. And see what he says.
All depends on how much your paying, and you did say welding took longer than expected maybe you missed your slot?
I run a workshop and things do get massively delayed, day to day jobs sometimes turn into headaches which aren't good admittedly! But this does happen as bread and butter jobs keep you going
Give us a clue on price and what was expected
All depends on how much your paying, and you did say welding took longer than expected maybe you missed your slot?
I run a workshop and things do get massively delayed, day to day jobs sometimes turn into headaches which aren't good admittedly! But this does happen as bread and butter jobs keep you going
Give us a clue on price and what was expected

Yeah I agree totally about Day to day jobs.

I don't think I ever had a slot until the welding was done although it was booked to be in once complete

I was not in a hurry in December when it went in for all the work but now mid April I just want it back to start working myself.

I need to put my other car for a repair job after the mrs opened the door of it onto a lamp post. Will call and see when he can do either and see if I can get a date for compeltion. The guy does amazing work so would prefer to leave it where it is.
Well not quite how I expected it to come back !

On to the next one ;-)

Hi everyone

Well what seems like years ago (only 4 months in real time) I sent my 110 to a local garage for welding then to the neighbour for painting.

The welding seemed to take a life time but now the car has been with the painter for a few months also!

I know he said there was others in front of it but I have lots to do to get the car how I want!

So question is as the title, how long do you think is reasonable to wait before I move paint shops?
Was this a real cheap price and is this person a professional paint and body man? or just a person who does it for cash on the side?
Well in terms of paint.....

Nothing has been done

It has had a outrigger replaced and has sat waiting to be in paint. And yes they are a professional bodyshop. Was going to take another 6weeks before they could start which I was just unsure of. I have other jobs to do in it so it is back and I will see what happens next

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