i know this forum and thread is usefull to those who have lost their landys or are looking to buy one and are trying not to buy a nicked one (me!!) so should not be made private, its just on other posts in other threads you see people who give out too much info about what they are doing/done to their landy and if they are going away etc so it surely leaves them wide open? i know its a pretty slim chance of somebody looking at your profile on here and finding exactly where you live but if their is pikeys in your town and if you live in a town like mine where landys are uncommon (****in ****ty saxo's with 6inch tailpipes!) then it wouldnt be too hard to find out where you live if you park your landy on your drive! it would be like an argos catalogue for pikeys !!

But I can't help feeling that if I hadn't read some of these posts, and acted on their advice, I wouldn't have me defender right now. It would be in some container somewhere on it's way out of the country.
i know this forum and thread is usefull to those who have lost their landys or are looking to buy one and are trying not to buy a nicked one (me!!) so should not be made private, its just on other posts in other threads you see people who give out too much info about what they are doing/done to their landy and if they are going away etc so it surely leaves them wide open? i know its a pretty slim chance of somebody looking at your profile on here and finding exactly where you live but if their is pikeys in your town and if you live in a town like mine where landys are uncommon (****in ****ty saxo's with 6inch tailpipes!) then it wouldnt be too hard to find out where you live if you park your landy on your drive! it would be like an argos catalogue for pikeys !!

Trust me you're being too paranoid.

Private land is private land.
I find that parking the missus Beetle convertible in front of the Disco every night works... No self respecting 'car thief scumbag' is going to be seen driving a Beetle ragtop!!!
The thing with a disc lock is you can get them of with the simple use of a ***** *****, ****** ******
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The thing with a disc lock is you can get them of with the simple use of a ***** *****, ****** ******

I've edited this just to be on the safe side. Having tried this method several times myself I've only known it to work on one occasion and it took over 15 mins to do it and included making lots of noise.
Thanks for answering that, as i was wondering whether me disklok was worth putting on after reading earlier post. Made me shudder when reading the 'how to do it'.
Started gettin a bit twitchy after recent events.

It's hard sometimes posting something that is informative, I'd rather know if something can be bypassed/is crap/not all it's cracked up to be, but not giving the 'step by step' guide of how to steal a landy to some undesireable.
Thanks for answering that, as i was wondering whether me disklok was worth putting on after reading earlier post. Made me shudder when reading the 'how to do it'.
Started gettin a bit twitchy after recent events.

It's hard sometimes posting something that is informative, I'd rather know if something can be bypassed/is crap/not all it's cracked up to be, but not giving the 'step by step' guide of how to steal a landy to some undesireable.

I get to test security devices when the locks fail or the owners snap or lose the keys after locking them on the car. The only steering locks that give me problems are the autolock 2000 and the disck lock. The disc lock gets my vote as the best of the 2 for being the best at preventing the vehicle being flat towed away aswell as its resilience to attack.
it is not imposible its just highly orkword, wich should put the thieving bastards of but unfortunatly it does not, my mate had his took they left the tracker and disc lock on the drive just to take the ****
it is not imposible its just highly orkword, wich should put the thieving bastards of but unfortunatly it does not, my mate had his took they left the tracker and disc lock on the drive just to take the ****

I know how they got it off but it wasn't quite the way you think.;)
so thay ******* ** ****** ******? ;)

I have again edited the post for security reasons. No that's not it either. I'm not going to publicly comment on how to get around pretty much the only thing that canl prevent a landy getting nicked.;)
[JP];1016586 said:
Ok.. but not every thief is prepared with liquid nitrogen.... and the hammer thing is only the reason why you shouldnt leave a chain on the floor, as possible, chain the bike in a way that the chain is up in the air... that way nothing to hammer the chain against.. :)

and...I believe its the Almax chains that resist a little to this technique..
a few must use it as my mate got his bike nikd,had gud chain and lock,but no match for the liquid nitrogen
Hide the landy in a garage

Only if your garage door is made of 2ft thick steel with a fck off lock and the wall's are made of stone or steel, if they want it it's gone. I've seen garage wall's holed to gain access ... don't ever build a garage out of breeze blocks!!
Only if your garage door is made of 2ft thick steel with a fck off lock and the wall's are made of stone or steel, if they want it it's gone. I've seen garage wall's holed to gain access ... don't ever build a garage out of breeze blocks!!

Nah, don't think so.
If the pro's are sizing up your machine and you've got the right security and kit. They won't bother and they'll go for a lesser target. Classic jungle mentality.
Why risk being caught when there's easier prey ;)
We have just had every window etched with the registration number ( even the alpine windows in the roof). It wont stop it going but it will make life more awkward for the sods that want to do away with it.....
@ratty, let's take my situation...98 Landy 300 with immobilizer, doors locked, wheel locked and clutch claw...how long would it take you to nick it? Just so I know how much time I have when I hear the first suspicious noise :)

Oh yes and my Landy is behind a wooden gate and on a gravel drive way...we also have a dog but he would lick your face off rather than go into attack mode...
if ther gyunna pinch it be freeze smashing the locks you will hear..

just tie a bit of string to it and run it to your toe in bed and have the shottie loaded by the window..

shoot em

...go back to bed...


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