Would a disklok stop the Landy being loaded onto a flatbed though, as this was the means used to steal two 90's in our village?

Yes and No

First off you need to park with the steering on full lock. If it's straight, it won't make any difference if it's getting loaded on a truck. An experienced recovery driver can still load it with the steering on full lock. It is MUCH harder though, takes time and can be noisey.

A thief isn't gonna want to get stuck with a landy half on and half off his truck. It kinda stops him getting away.;)
[JP];1016586 said:
Ok.. but not every thief is prepared with liquid nitrogen.... and the hammer thing is only the reason why you shouldnt leave a chain on the floor, as possible, chain the bike in a way that the chain is up in the air... that way nothing to hammer the chain against.. :)

and...I believe its the Almax chains that resist a little to this technique..

Not Just liquid nitro - which as it happens is readily available in any tescoes - wartner - uses compressed liquid nitrogen - but any CO2 extinguisher would work. Lidles 9.99 if anyones interested lol

Actually maybe we should stop this thread in case we end up teaching stuff we shouldnt be teaching.
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Would a disklok stop the Landy being loaded onto a flatbed though, as this was the means used to steal two 90's in our village?

Yes because I'd of parked it so you can't load it onto it without a crane :)
And if they brought that up then out comes the shotgun :D

I think if a chain has been powder coated it will resist freezing a bit too...
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I've always found that if i'm leaving it for any period of time that taking a wheel off works quite well! Lock the wheel in the house and stick an axle stand in its place - probably takes 5 minutes tops to stick the wheel back on
Why would liquid nitrogen have no effect against stainless?
The powder coating is tough stuff, to get it off would delay the thief :)
i couldnt tell you exactly why its to do with the properties of the metal, but it has no affect on stainless at all
Re: How hard can it be to steal 'your' own landy??

i would say very hard cos most owners wouldnt be willing to rip the doortop open, break the steering lock and crop the sterring wheel with bolt cropers to get the crook lock off like my mate had done to his.

another guy i know removed his sterring wheel every night, you would have thought that would have put them off, how ever some one disturbed the thieves trying to get his defender started down the road from his drive with a pair of molegrips attached to the steering shaft.

if they want it its going, its just down to how smart they are and what they have at their disposal.
Re: How hard can it be to steal 'your' own landy??

i would say very hard cos most owners wouldnt be willing to rip the doortop open, break the steering lock and crop the sterring wheel with bolt cropers to get the crook lock off like my mate had done to his.

another guy i know removed his sterring wheel every night, you would have thought that would have put them off, how ever some one disturbed the thieves trying to get his defender started down the road from his drive with a pair of molegrips attached to the steering shaft.

if they want it its going, its just down to how smart they are and what they have at their disposal.

No it's not, you need to fight fire with fire if it comes to that.

What you speak of is going down the road of a loser complex and having that means they've already won. Which they haven't :)

Remote cut-off switches cunningly hidden are a what most thieves won't of even considered, if you get one that is key-locked they really are going to have to bang their heads together :D
Wear rubber gloves, take scumbag and saw into foot long chunks. Place in bin liners. Use sponges to clean down surfaces. Take lighter fuel and filled bags to the middle of nowhere woodland is best. If in essex epping forrest is a favourite. Somewhere that will be warm and sheltered. Dump the contents of bin bags in the open do not bury them. Insects will reduce the bits down to nothing in literally days. If the scumbag was teenage maybe even the bones will go. Now drive off, and stop somewhere secluded and set light to the gloves bin bags and sponges thereby removing any fingerprints. Throw the saw in the sea as it will rust down very quickly, along with your shoes to remove identification from crime scene footprints, and your done. If in the unlikely event you get hauled in - DNA found was due to giving a hitchhiker a lift. You shook his hand.

Get to know a local farmer with a Bale Burner - works a treat - sheep, pigs humans..... :)
My 110 was targeted last saturday. Already had disklok. Fortunately had put in security post the week before, and that was enough to stop em going any further, even though they made a mess of the post itself.

Since then uprated security, as me 110 is me pride n joy, family motor, taken ages to save up for, and no scum is gonna steal it without a fight.
My 110 was targeted last saturday. Already had disklok. Fortunately had put in security post the week before, and that was enough to stop em going any further, even though they made a mess of the post itself.

Since then uprated security, as me 110 is me pride n joy, family motor, taken ages to save up for, and no scum is gonna steal it without a fight.

don't forget to turn your steering on full lock before fitting the disclok.;)
i always park mine with the battery on charge i didnt know about the bare wires on my extention lead earthing out to my landy HONEST lol fry you little bastids
Since posting this thread i have become very paranoid, so i now have a disklock fitted when it's parked up.
I also leave a Baby monitor hidden away inside the cab, it works a treat.
I got my other half to tap very gently on the side window, and while she was doing that i was in the bedroom listening.......Fo0k a duck it nearly blew me frickin head off.
No way is my landie going to go walkies while im asleep, the noise that come's out of said monitor would wake the dead.
this may sound daft but does anyone think that forums like this maybe partly to blame for some peoples landies going missing?? people come on here saying what parts/upgrades they have done etc post pics with the reg of the vehicle on and most people have put where they live on their profiles which means pikeys will have a rough guess as to where their next meal ticket will be as a bit of a recce of your town and your landy could be found! or if you say "im going green laning in noddytown" then its like saying "my shed or garage are free to be raided" if they find out where you live and cant get your landy! u never know pikeys may be watching this site looking for easy targets...im not trying to spook anybody out its just with people saying their are people snooping round their houses/land looking for what they can get you just never know!
I would never post up a pic with my number plate on show (i would photo shop it) and my profile isn't giving out any real info.
Maybe this forum should be a private forum, and only allow ppl in who have 100 post ect.
I used to know a collector for a fruit machine company that wired an alarm that shouted help from a bandit to the interior light switch with a simple isolator under the bumper so if you opened any door etc it used to scream "help" not hard to bypass and not a real anit theft device in some ways but it would probably confuse your average chav car theif.

And if all else fails a jack handle applied to the back of the head of the theiving b***ard should do the trick.
this may sound daft but does anyone think that forums like this maybe partly to blame for some peoples landies going missing?? people come on here saying what parts/upgrades they have done etc post pics with the reg of the vehicle on and most people have put where they live on their profiles which means pikeys will have a rough guess as to where their next meal ticket will be as a bit of a recce of your town and your landy could be found! or if you say "im going green laning in noddytown" then its like saying "my shed or garage are free to be raided" if they find out where you live and cant get your landy! u never know pikeys may be watching this site looking for easy targets...im not trying to spook anybody out its just with people saying their are people snooping round their houses/land looking for what they can get you just never know!

If you look at the location of most people o the forum it is either city name or county. It would take a bit of work to actually find the vehicle. It would be no different to you passing a vehicle everyday on the way to work. You know it's local but you wouldn't have a clue where it was from.

I would never post up a pic with my number plate on show (i would photo shop it) and my profile isn't giving out any real info.
Maybe this forum should be a private forum, and only allow ppl in who have 100 post ect.

Do you remove your number plates when driving too?

The stolen landy forum can't be made private and accessable only to those with over 100 posts cos if it were it wouldn't exist. Most of the nicked landy threads on it are by newbies who are trying to get as much publicity for their vehicles as possible.

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