
New Member
Hi All,

Wonder if anyone can help...

I recently bought a 2002 TD4 estate and love it part from one thing - I cant plug my mp3 player into it. And herein lies my problem...

I have the standard C42 cassette/radio (picture attached) and I've just ordered a Connects2 aux-in adapter to replace the cd changer. I've undone the two allen bolts that hold the head unit in but cant for the life of me actually get the unit out. The units comes out a bit (maybe 6mm) but stops as if it's jamming on something.

From what I've researched, there shouldnt be any clips that need a removal key though I can make out two slits when I pull it out which are the right size for the flat type keys. This unit doesnt have the two holes on each side for ISO keys!

Halfords dont stock and have quoted me two weeks to order the removal keys in (which are for this year of freelander but they dont know which head unit they are actually for). In the meantime, I've found a picture of the keys and fabricated some - firstly from my wife's nail files (much to her disgust), from hacksaw blades and finally from a laptop hard drive carrier (!). But none of these work as there's nothing inside to hook them onto (as if the unit isnt held in with clips that need a key)

Though I'm not an expert on Freelanders or car audio, I have installed a few systems so I dont think that I'm just being a dumbo.

I'm convinced that the unit is just catching on the housing and hope that there arent screws on the side as I really dont want to strip the dashboard to get to them! I guess I'm just hoping that someone can tell me that it is just sticking or here's how you get it out etc before I get my crowbar out - and you know thats not a good path to go down!

I've looked at all of the posts on this forum and though there are a few similar queries, none categorically answer the question.

I tried the local Land Rover dealer but they werent that helpful - kind of makes me think that I wont be going there for my service...

Thanks a million for any advice you can give.

Cheers, Carl


  • Photo_072406_001.jpg
    47.2 KB · Views: 1,290
Once the allan bolts are out you need another set of keys to push into the holes to release the retaining clips inside. Match sticks will do this, insert about 2 cm I think from memory, not all the way in or you'll lose them. That's if this 2 hole system is the same as the 4 hole system.
Good luck and welcome to Landyzone :D
But, if it's not like the iso system you spoke of then I'm stumped. I'm sure some one else must have the answer.
how hard?? very

Land Rover use the theory that if something is tricky to remove then it will be less likely to get stolen!!

There is a post covering this here

basically you have to start at the centre console and work your way forward until the whole of the shroud around the handbrake etc is free and you can then start on the dash - its a pain in the arse really - I also found out that Land Rover (in there inimitable wisdom) write the security code on their stereos!!!!!!!!!! - now that makes sense!

In the end I got Halfords to fit an i-pod unit that transmits the signal thro the radio - £9 9and they did a great job of fitting it
outlander said:
I also found out that Land Rover (in there inimitable wisdom) write the security code on their stereos!!!!!!!!!! - now that makes sense!

What's wrong with that? I write my pin numbers next to my signature on my credit cards :eek:
marksurry said:
Yes Mondo, I noticed. I'm very excited for you, really I am :p

Your not impressed then ? :(

I got a pressie for yer! :D

ebay........................................................Item number: 200011512082

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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