
New Member
...without scratching the hell out of your roof?!

Annoyingly I caught mine when I collected my tent (first time fitting, at night, etc - was going to happen I guess!) and don't want to repeat it.

It's a Maggiolina Safari, so seems lightweight until you have to lift it above your head - at which point it weighs a bloody tonne!!

Is it just a case of getting a minimum of two people each side, or has anyone managed to mount theirs with just two people in an easier way? I am using Thule roof bars to attach it to my RRC.


1 or 2 either side is best.

If you had a roll cage you can slide it up and on ;)

I would fit the bars 1st leaving a flat bottom of the RTT then slide it on and spend some time getting to the clamps. it is akward but you wont get any scratches.

If you have a carport (or anything else that you could drive the car under), a guy I used to work with mounted a system of pulleys to the joists in his to raise/lower a roofbox when required - he also then stored the box up and out of the way!

Not much use if you haven't though!
I do have a carport and had considered that, but don't think it'll be tool enough with an RR as well as a roof tent / top box!

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