Will it reverse in?
Do you think the overall length depends on the direction of travel? :eek:

That sort of logic reminds me of a woman i used to work with many years ago. She was experiencing some vandalism on her car so she managed to get herself a council garage. She came into work the following day after getting it and somebody noticed her front wings had been damaged. I nipped out to have a look and couldn't work out what they had done to her car. Both wings had first scratches and then dents starting near the front and getting worse towards the A pillar. When i spoke to her about it she went off on one! Effing and blinding not at vandals, but AT THE COUNCIL!
Apparantly, they had rented her a garage that was too small for her car.(A Montego estate)
Ignoring the fact that i very much doubt the garage would be long enough, the door width was too narrow too...
The daft old cow had slowly driven in to the point where it stopped and then percy veered for another ten inches or so until she got it wedged! At that point she decided it wasn't going to fit and managed to reverse out again!

The funny thing was, no matter how much we told her that it wasn't the council's fault, she wouldn't have it! When someone asked why she kept driving forwards even though she was damaging her car she replied that if the council had rented out a garage it must fit her car...OBVIOUSLY!
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Good job it wasn't a 420G !!

I never liked the front of those.
Do you think the overall length depends on the direction of travel? :eek:
If it's an up and over door then yer door may not come down if driving an estate car in forwards. Hence reversing it in so the door cames down over the bonnet.
If it's an up and over door then yer door may not come down if driving an estate car in forwards. Hence reversing it in so the door cames down over the bonnet.
Ah, that makes sense. I doubt in Mo's case that her car would fit through the door frame in either direction... :D

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