My starting-handle has never been mounted properly for as long as I've known our 109, and it's been in the family since I was a kid. I think it's about time I found some clips to fit properly, it's dangerous for a start:

Roller Jaw Clips.png

I found these on the E of blag. Before i dive in and wang away with a drill, has anyone pix of the how and where of their factory-fit clips locate, thus I can as close as possible mimic 'factory-fit'.


And, I'm assuming the Part 346195 is milly only? Correct? At that price... and wanting 3 or 4?, this gets pricey.

I'm assuming clipped to the B bulkhead. How many clips are used and where do they go?
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Land rover 346195 .png

I've found an image for it fitted here

Milly Starting Handle Mount.jpg

Not all that sure I'm wiser? Don't know too much about the 'Walt' end of LR ownership. Those clips look over-centre type. Bit dear though.
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I've none of these clips. Done differently again?


Seen in a Youtube vid, what's the clip - indicated green arrow' doing?
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