
Well-Known Member
I have spent today organising my Landy and adding tools and things. I didn't want Landy and horse stuff getting mixed up.

I intended to put the second spare wheel and tools on the floor at the back, on the rubber mat. I am them going to put some ply across and some carpet in to carry the horsey stuff.

So the spare wheel, jack and other stuff is lying on the floor (jack and bars in their bags). I then added a metal tool box with tools and some plastic boxes of spare things for the Landy.

I was really pleased with the result and set off to find some ply.

The noise is horrendous :eek:, especially on tick over. It seems to echo round the metal sides, like someone is banging metal onto the sides. I have tried moving them around but its still the same.

Anyone else had this problem and how did you solve it. I'm thinking carrying tools was not a good idea.
put a camping mat on the floor. and the tools in a toolroll or a bag.
Why do you carry 2 spares :confused: 1 spare. + 1 can of tyreweld. If your rreally that paranoid.
Best just drive it to the scrap yard then ;)

You could try putting the tools in a plastic tool box :doh:

You altered your post :p

The orginal is quoted on mine :rolleyes:

However your "revised" idea might help, but the current one is sitting on rubber. Nothing metal is touching the Landy sides. Seens odd thats all. Most of this stuff was between the seats and the bulkhead which is also metal. Why didn't it make this noise then.
put a camping mat on the floor. and the tools in a toolroll or a bag.

The camping mats a great idea. I kind of like the box, maybe a piece of mat inside the toolbox would help.

Why do you carry 2 spares :confused: 1 spare. + 1 can of tyreweld. If your rreally that paranoid.

Yes I really am that paranoid :eek::eek::eek: When I'm towing I also have the spare on the side of the trailer and yet another one in the Landy.
Used soft rubber matting found in Wilkinsons (cheap shop) in the door mat section that is very grippy, cheap and good for sound deadening. Used it in engine room of a big ol boat I restored and also used it under the engine start compressor, result not silence but massive difference.

also put smaller tools in tool rolls if above fails check big end bearings!:)
Used soft rubber matting found in Wilkinsons (cheap shop) in the door mat section that is very grippy, cheap and good for sound deadening. Used it in engine room of a big ol boat I restored and also used it under the engine start compressor, result not silence but massive difference.

also put smaller tools in tool rolls if above fails check big end bearings!:)

Yes will check out the matting :D. And if you think I dont know what big end bearings are, you would be wrong :p:p:p Although with this much noise I probably wouldn't notice if the engine dropped out.
Sticking soundproofing material inside the metal panels in the back is good in a hard top, takes a lot of the resonance out. I have a sheet under the plywood in the back of mine too, I ordered the soundproofing off the net, they do precut or sheets you can cut yourself. Im impressed with the stuff, 19j are noisy and hard top amplifies it, I can even hear the stereo now :)
I padded my load bay in my old series with off cuts of carpet.when it got dirty and warn I binned it and found some more:)
I padded my load bay in my old series with off cuts of carpet.when it got dirty and warn I binned it and found some more:)

There is an old indian rug in it already to stop saddles getting scratched but I put it over the top to try to stop the noise. Perhaps I should have put it underneath :eek:
The ol wilkys matting was around £2 odd a throw same size as decent door mat can also cut to size so may suit you well as can remove it when not needed.

dense foam sound proofing stuff is also excellent, used it around clanky ol generators with good effect, pretty tough stuff but can be expensive as has fire proof lining, so worth going to boat jumbles for as got loads at one jumble at fraction of normal price.
it has foil lining, high dense layer then semi dense layer, maybe OTT but hey it will work:D:D

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