of course its not a dvert its a pic of me in combats out hunting in my landy and its the perfect tool for the job
so yer mean a piccy then?

if so go to yer user cp and click edit sig, yer then get a option to stick a piccy in yer sig
How big are the fooking rabbits out in Bishop Auckland? FFS. What the fook do you want a blade that size for? Apart from the fact it's illegal (even whilst out hunting) what the fook would you use it for?? I can skin & gut a rabbit with a one sided razor blade. I could skin gut & 1/4 a deer with a 3" pocket knife. Get a fooking life you sad posing rambo wanna be.

Oh and reduce the size of your banner yer twit. You said you wanted a banner not a half page advert.
who said i skin rabbits with it ??? and do you get many deer like ??? i dont think so ...i dont realy enjoy dressing up like this but my wife insists lol yeee haaaa
do you get many deer like ??? i dont think so ...i really enjoy dressing up like this but my wife insists I see a shrink lol dribble dribble drool

Fooking do round here mate I nearly ran a doe & her fawn over couple ov months ago when they ran out in front ov me. I swerved like buggery but they were too quick for me. :D

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