he looks like a camouflage one of them ghosty things from pac-man if yer ask me:D
If were gonna have banners can we stick to ones the same size as the one i've got please other wise we're gonna be down ter 1 post per page. Downsize yer bastids
If were gonna have banners can we stick to ones the same size as the one i've got please other wise we're gonna be down ter 1 post per page. Downsize yer bastids

Just fer you red I will give it another go:p
lazy bastid if your gonna go hunting and really don't want to be seen make a guille suit you still have too much of a recognisable silohette and the blade should be dulled you can do that with a flame or engineers blue would also do the trick, the suit should also have your eyes covered over with a fine mesh or your eyes will reflect too much light and give you away, unless you want to go for the rambo look in wich case get yourself a pair of combat trousers and a M60
Yip Ah think we shud have an LZ hunting session where we chuck the bugger out of a landy in the middle of nowhere and then hunt him thru the woods

Like what we're gonna be doing wiv raz!!!!! :eek: :D :D
Why what yer gunna do if he meant you. AH fink an hunting trip ter froggy land might be on the cards hehehehe.
hheheheheh niagra angel falls raindrops, running rivers and swimming pools
in the kitchen sink mate you know you need to!! dint worry about the pots in there they'll rinse off!!
i nipped outside an ****ed down the drain in the end, i was gonna do it over the fence but the woman next door is up

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