Ahhh Gary- such sad news :(

Make every second of the time you have left special for you, her and your kids.

God Bless
Sorry to hear that. All you can do is smile as much as you can and just cherish the time. Reminisce some.

Don't know where you are but any help needed sure we can muster something.
Aww so sorry for you and your family its heartbreaking that you have to go through this and so terribly unfair, make the most of the time you have left with your beautifull wife and I hope you get some comfor tfrom memories of the good times you have shared
Much love to you all
So sorry to here of your news Gary,if you need anything we are all here for you,stay strong buddy and make every second count.
So sorry you have to face this hideous situation Gary. I hope you have some local support. All I can think is that it would be good to reminisce, chat about good times and maybe get out the photo album.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Thoughts are with you both Gary. Try and think of the good times. They are thing things that will keep you smiling.

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