Looking for advice again if anyone knows please.
My 2011 (145,000) Freelander is starting to make a real clunk when going back into drive from reverse. Has anyone experienced similar and if so could they please share.
She is also awaiting a new rear diff to be fitted (when my faithful LandRover mechanic calls her in) could this be related.,
Many thanks in advance.
Hi Ollie, ive the same year FL2 as you with a diesel engine.
That clunk which feels like someone just nudged in the back of you is something my one has been doing for around 5 years now.
Had the Haldex serviced, auto oil replaced and made bugger all difference.
On mine it only does this occationally when the engine is fully warmed up. Even more noticeable on hot summer days.

It's my wifes car and my suggestion to her is "lets wait till it falls off"! Then we will know exactly what causes this odditity.

No help at all i know

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1. Turn on ignition by pressing the start button WITHOUT foot on brake (I.e. Don't start the engine)
2. Press accelerator to the floor for 30 seconds
3. Release accelerator pedal leave key in dash, and press the start button to switch off ignition...wait 30 seconds
4. Start car as normal, and drive it hard for a few miles.

This worked on my Freelander 2 2013 SD4 HSE.
When resetting the FL2 auto gearbox adaptations yer don't need to drive it hard afterwards. Just drive it normally.

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