Bob, that's a great plan, but......I glued the panels together as I built it :( Should have thought ahead really. I saw a type of trim online which hides staples but it's only available in America and the postage alone is far more than the box cost me to make!

I don't really want to build it again but I guess it's an option if I can't get a decent finish.
I did mine in just two pieces and a cut out of foam mat for the little shelf.
I started at the back and folded the vinyl round the sides with a good two inches spare top and bottom. Once round the sides it was folded over each triangular bit and stapled into the corner, leaving the front to be covered in the second piece (folded edges) so it covered the staple heads. The rectangle of checker plate matting sat over that on the shelf.
All the waste top and bottom was folded into and under the box and secured with staples. I then lined the box with checker plate rubber matting including inside the lid.
It’s like a little fridge in there now :)

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