On 2006-10-29, Nige <nigel.inceBUGGEROFF@btinternet.com> wrote:

> A decent diff locker would have sorted it, although the tyres where
> very hard work. I blame myself though, not enough talent!

Seriously, sounds more like the tyres, sometimes putting the brakes on
a bit can help but grassy slopes aren't exactly extreme off-roading,
getting up one is entirely down to traction versus weight, diff locks
or traction control, a light machine and grippy tyres do it, pretty
much nothing else about the vehicle matters.

> i am serious about the tank that was stuck though, how the **** can
> a LR get past a stuck tank in a forest?

Enormous can opener?

I get the feeling that the off-roading site was closed due to being
waterlogged, or was it just blocked by the tank?

Blast off and strike the evil Bydo empire!
On 2006-10-29, Nige <nigel.inceBUGGEROFF@btinternet.com> wrote:

> Sorry buddy, read my sig, the KTM would not have even farted to get
> up there!

Yeah but no-one cares about bikes ;-)

<runs away>

Blast off and strike the evil Bydo empire!
On 2006-10-29, Austin Shackles <austinNOSPAM@ddol-las.net> wrote:

> OK, who's up for a spring one in Herefordshire if I can persuade B-I-L Tim
> (You reading this, Tim?) to let us play on his farm?

I'd like to, one of these days I'll be healthy again, going through
some bad patches at the moment, both personally and machine-wise, once
all is set up I'll try to make it on four wheels or six.

Blast off and strike the evil Bydo empire!
Ian Rawlings wrote:
> On 2006-10-29, Nige <nigel.inceBUGGEROFF@btinternet.com> wrote:
>> Sorry buddy, read my sig, the KTM would not have even farted to get
>> up there!

> Yeah but no-one cares about bikes ;-)
> <runs away>

Well, if it's like that, you can't have a go you mardy ****!



Subaru WRX (54)
Land Rover Turbo Diesel 110 (G)
KTM 520 SX (2001)
Kawasaki ZZR 1100 (1995)

Ian Rawlings wrote:
> On 2006-10-29, Nige <nigel.inceBUGGEROFF@btinternet.com> wrote:
>> A decent diff locker would have sorted it, although the tyres where
>> very hard work. I blame myself though, not enough talent!

> Seriously, sounds more like the tyres, sometimes putting the brakes
> on a bit can help but grassy slopes aren't exactly extreme
> off-roading, getting up one is entirely down to traction versus
> weight, diff locks or traction control, a light machine and grippy
> tyres do it, pretty much nothing else about the vehicle matters.
>> i am serious about the tank that was stuck though, how the **** can
>> a LR get past a stuck tank in a forest?

> Enormous can opener?
> I get the feeling that the off-roading site was closed due to being
> waterlogged, or was it just blocked by the tank?

It had never been open to normal Landies mate, the slope was extreme for road going vehicles, not many
could have got up it by any way.

Short of a trialler, you where not getting up that hill, ask Lee. the D3 did it through the leccy bits &
Andy's skill, nowt else.



Subaru WRX (54)
Land Rover Turbo Diesel 110 (G)
KTM 520 SX (2001)
Kawasaki ZZR 1100 (1995)

Ian Rawlings wrote:
> On 2006-10-29, Austin Shackles <austinNOSPAM@ddol-las.net> wrote:
>> OK, who's up for a spring one in Herefordshire if I can persuade
>> B-I-L Tim (You reading this, Tim?) to let us play on his farm?

> I'd like to, one of these days I'll be healthy again, going through
> some bad patches at the moment, both personally and machine-wise,
> once all is set up I'll try to make it on four wheels or six.

Hope you get better, i cant wait to kick mud in your non bike loving face!!




Subaru WRX (54)
Land Rover Turbo Diesel 110 (G)
KTM 520 SX (2001)
Kawasaki ZZR 1100 (1995)

On 2006-10-29 20:27:25 +0000, "Lee_D"
<newsgroupNOSPAM@NOSPAMlrproject.com> said:
> Is yoyr truck rather yellow as G4's go as opposed to orange? If it is I
> think we passed you going the other way.
> Lee D

Nope, mines a genuine G4 Event wagon in Orange :) I saw a Yellow G4
(they were limited edition vehicles made to celebrate the G4 Challenge
in Llandudno though.

Darren Griffin
PocketGPSWorld - www.PocketGPSWorld.com
The Premier GPS Resource for News, Reviews and Forums

On 2006-10-29, Nige <nigel.inceBUGGEROFF@btinternet.com> wrote:

> Well, if it's like that, you can't have a go you mardy ****!

Heh, bikes are OK really, it's just there's not enough machinery there
to covet!

Blast off and strike the evil Bydo empire!
On 2006-10-29, Nige <nigel.inceBUGGEROFF@btinternet.com> wrote:

> Hope you get better, i cant wait to kick mud in your non bike loving face!!

That's if you can see me after you've got a face full of flies and cow
**** from riding your bike!

I'd like an off-road bike one day, but the idea of riding on the road
covered in cow skin with my head in a bowl doesn't appeal that much...

Blast off and strike the evil Bydo empire!
Nige <nigel.inceBUGGEROFF@btinternet.com> uttered summat worrerz funny
> Tell you geezers what though, the only car that could make it up a
> VERY tricky wet grass slope was Andys D3 with it's trick electronics
> etc! I should have let the tyres down !

Andy's tyres I presume ;-)

I recon we should have just nicked the fuses from the fuse box and then see
who the smart arse is ;-)

jealous moi? :)

Lee D

On Sun, 29 Oct 2006 19:05:08 -0000, "Lee_D"
<newsgroupNOSPAM@NOSPAMlrproject.com> wrote:

>Though I'm now leaning more towards a 110 CSW than I am towards the 101 so
>if anyone has a nice 110 CSW 300 Tdi and a yen for a 101 Camper then give me
>a shout, 4 plus two dogs in the 101 is not much fun. Failing that Morph may
>soon be gracing Enay with his presence, it will be a reluctant sale as I
>know I'll never get another like him but I'm just not using him as intended
>since we bought the Caravan.

you cant abandon me! I'll never get mine finished then!

I thought the plan was to tow the caravan with morph and then leave
the kids in the morph wing and keep the caravan civilised? :)

im glad you had a good one (apart from the offroading) I'm still
trying to work out how i can make more time so i can come
unofficialing sometime :(
On or around Sun, 29 Oct 2006 21:15:24 +0000, Ian Rawlings
<news06@tarcus.org.uk> enlightened us thusly:

>Trac edges are ****e, I have no idea where they got their reputation
>from. Probably good amongst AT tyres.

I understand they're good on stony stuff. They're also reckoned to last a
long time, whereas MTs don't last if used on the road.

Mind you, I wasn't that impressed with BFG ATs either, as road tyres. too
hard a compound for my taste on wet tarmac, perhaps I drive like a nutter
too much of the time.
Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.net my opinions are just that
Appearances: You don't really need make-up. Celebrate your authentic
face by frightening people in the street.
from the Little Book of Complete B***ocks by Alistair Beaton.
On or around Sun, 29 Oct 2006 22:18:38 +0000, Ian Rawlings
<news06@tarcus.org.uk> enlightened us thusly:

>On 2006-10-29, Nige <nigel.inceBUGGEROFF@btinternet.com> wrote:
>> Hope you get better, i cant wait to kick mud in your non bike loving face!!

>That's if you can see me after you've got a face full of flies and cow
>**** from riding your bike!
>I'd like an off-road bike one day, but the idea of riding on the road
>covered in cow skin with my head in a bowl doesn't appeal that much...

There's nowt to beat it on a sunny sunday afternoon, in a convoy of about
20-odd bikes... or even just a few. Best convoy run I recall was leading a
group of about 40 out of Swansea and over the Black Mountain to Llandovery
and the caff. One of they charity dos, easter egg run or somesuch.
Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.net my opinions are just that
Appearances: You don't really need make-up. Celebrate your authentic
face by frightening people in the street.
from the Little Book of Complete B***ocks by Alistair Beaton.
On Mon, 30 Oct 2006 07:18:11 +0000, Austin Shackles
<austinNOSPAM@ddol-las.net> wrote:

>I understand they're good on stony stuff. They're also reckoned to last a
>long time, whereas MTs don't last if used on the road.

ive had no problem in muddy stuff either. it sounds like it is just
wet grass that get em.
They definitely last well. Im just about to put 2 tyres on my car
after 13k miles and my trac edges are still going strong after 6 years
or so!

On 2006-10-30, Tom Woods <news@NOPSAMtomwoods.co.uk> wrote:

> ive had no problem in muddy stuff either. it sounds like it is just
> wet grass that get em.

I've got stuck in fairly shallow mud on trac-edges, they clog with mud
very quickly and don't self-clean very well.

> They definitely last well. Im just about to put 2 tyres on my car
> after 13k miles and my trac edges are still going strong after 6 years
> or so!

They're OK on the road, last a long time and I never had the back end
sliding around despite chucking it around the roundabouts quite a bit.

Blast off and strike the evil Bydo empire!
On Sun, 29 Oct 2006 19:49:56 -0000, Richard Brookman
<THErichard.brookmanOBVIOUS@btinternet.com> wrote:

> Andy wrote:
> || "Lee_D" <newsgroupNOSPAM@NOSPAMlrproject.com> wrote in message
> || news:4qkcb3Fnhn0lU1@individual.net...
> ||| Well another weekend under our our belt.
> |||
> ||| For those who went Off roading Nige and Andy sorry it was such a
> ||| let down, I was well miffed.
> |||
> ||| Apart from the manky weather it was othewise a good do!
> |||
> ||| Saturday nights Social has to be the highlight of the weekend,
> ||| though I'm considering that any future weekends may lean more
> ||| towards "Stuff to do" than Off roading.
> |||
> ||| Nice to meet New Faces! Alan Hughes made it over in his 101 GS from
> ||| the Emerald Isle and Will Tasso made probably the longest trek from
> ||| the outskirts of London.
> |||
> ||| Kids enjoyed themselves and the dogs are knackered!
> |||
> ||| Though I'm now leaning more towards a 110 CSW than I am towards the
> ||| 101 so if anyone has a nice 110 CSW 300 Tdi and a yen for a 101
> ||| Camper then give me a shout, 4 plus two dogs in the 101 is not much
> ||| fun. Failing that Morph may soon be gracing Enay with his presence,
> ||| it will be a reluctant sale as I know I'll never get another like
> ||| him but I'm just not using him as intended since we bought the
> ||| Caravan.
> |||
> ||| Lee D
> ||| --
> ||| www.lrproject.com
> |||
> ||| a.f.l. & 101ers Unofficial October 2006
> ||| <http://www.lrproject.com/afl__101_owners_unofficial.htm>
> |||
> ||| "Anti's - Give
> ||| them enough rope and they'll be stuck in a ditch with alot of rope
> ||| ;-) "
> |||
> ||
> || Many thanks for organising the trip Lee, I would like to have got
> || more involved with the 'social' but as we were staying off-site it
> || was always going to be tricky. Shame about the off-road site but
> || their website is very misleading. Nice to meet you and hope to meet
> || up again soon.
> ||
> || Andy
> Yes, thanks to Lee for the organising and to everyone else for a great
> craic
> on the Saturday night. Great to meet new faces and catch up with ones
> we've
> seen before. Lee, you missed nothing at the Electric Mountain. Bill
> and I
> circled the car park for about 30 minutes without finding a place, and
> all
> the roads in Llanberis were double-parked with tourists, so we called it
> a
> day and set off home.
> Long trip, bum weather, but worth the ride. Here's to the next one.

Yes - add vote to thanks - well done Lee.

Aye - a long trip each way - we clocked well over 500 miles in the 110.

Weather wasn't so bad really - for North Wales in October. The bothy
certainly helped, providing enough protection to remain civilised.

Didn't attempt the o/r. Once we'd landed in Caernarfon (on a mission) the
castle proved to be a splendid attraction/distraction for the wee ones.

Route home over the Llanberis pass provided spectacular views and not a
few "look at that" squeals from the back.

Good to catch up with some and put faces to others - all the fun and not a
single rivet counter in sight - once again, thanks Lee.

PS: tell my kids that Morph is up for sale and you're dead man <g>.
William Tasso

Land Rover - 110 V8
Discovery - V8
On Sun, 29 Oct 2006 23:43:40 -0000, Tom Woods <news@NOPSAMtomwoods.co.uk>

> I'm still
> trying to work out how i can make more time so i can come
> unofficialing sometime :(

We like to think we are prepared and ready to go - even so it took around
4 hours circling SW london before we managed to achieve escape velocity
and slingshot our way to North Wales.

FWIW: Final decision to attend was made/conformied @ 10:30 Friday am. The
trick (for me) is to work like a slave Mon-Thur and then switch off the
email/phone/post channels overnight Thursday.

William Tasso

Land Rover - 110 V8
Discovery - V8
On Sun, 29 Oct 2006 19:05:08 -0000, "Lee_D"
<newsgroupNOSPAM@NOSPAMlrproject.com> wrote:

>Failing that Morph may
>soon be gracing Enay with his presence, it will be a reluctant sale as I
>know I'll never get another like him but I'm just not using him as intended
>since we bought the Caravan.

Crumbs, that's severe :-(

Lee_D <newsgroupNOSPAM@NOSPAMlrproject.com> uttered summat worrerz
funny about:
> Well another weekend under our our belt.

Any one has any photos they would like bunging up on my web space then send
them to lee (at) lr project (no space) dot (com)


Lee D

Lee_D wrote:
> Lee_D <newsgroupNOSPAM@NOSPAMlrproject.com> uttered summat worrerz
> funny about:
>> Well another weekend under our our belt.

> Any one has any photos they would like bunging up on my web space
> then send them to lee (at) lr project (no space) dot (com)
> :)
> Lee D

will do matey!



Subaru WRX (54)
Land Rover Turbo Diesel 110 (G)
KTM 520 SX (2001)
Kawasaki ZZR 1100 (1995)


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