
Active Member
Well I had today off as I was supposed to be sorting the exhaust out on the RRC. The middle box is shot and leaking bad. It sounds absolutely terrible. However those plans were put on hold as some parts for the job didn't turn up. So instead I pacticed spraying some plastidip to a spare door ready to spray the RRC then I removed my current canvas top and dug my old tatty one out of the garage. I've but it loosely to size and fitted as a bikini top. Now I just hope the weather stays nice so I can leave it on all summer. I took it out for a drive and it's awesome! The 110 is still my favorite car :)

The bag droops down when stationary but as soon as you hit about 20mph it lifts up level. I just need to see if I can take out some of the slack on the back of it to stop it flapping about at 70mph. Maybe just a big bulldog clip and a pleat will do it. Ive left it long deliberately on the back as if can unhook the bungee and lower it to come down to the bulkhead.


I also never realised how loud my straight through exhaust was. You can really hear it without the soft top and hazmat kit.
Nice.... Couple of quick darts would sort out that saggy midriff.
Time to get the sewing machine out!

If you want a proper (new) exmoor bikini in khaki I might be offloading mine once the new one comes in.
What do you think of the Plasti dip? I did my alloy wheels about 2 weeks ago and didnt expect much! but i must say its more hard wareing than i thought! just have to make sure you build the coats up.
Cool I have done the same but rather than go to the back of the cab I have just run straps straight down to staples on the back of the bulkhead
I practiced the the plastidip on a scrap door and the results were good. That's for the range rover though. I'm going to pickup a couple of flexi tent poles for the back edge of this hood. That will hopefully hold it straight.

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