
Lord Hippo
The Hippo Technology Centre of Freelandering has developed a revolutionary new security system to protect yer vehicles from thieves. Fits all Land Rover products and it's cheap to buy.

HippoGuard is the world's most technically advanced anti theft security system for yer vehicle, using industry leading technology. Easy to install with no set-up required. Even a tratterer could do it.

We recently demonstrated HippoGuard to the Thatcham Research assessors. Imagine a line up of Thatcham thugs carrying the tools of their trade only to see the HippoGuard defeat them. Let's just say they were absolutely stunned. Never before has this happened.

HippoGuard is available from today from all Land Rover main dealers worldwide.

Video below demonstrates the HippoGuard anti theft device.

video = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYWQ-J2q1oA
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I'm afraid I'm taking you to trading standards 'cos it wouldn't work on a Tratter.... you'd still know where it was by the puddles of oil on the floor!

Good to see you back :)
I'm afraid I'm taking you to trading standards 'cos it wouldn't work on a Tratter.... you'd still know where it was by the puddles of oil on the floor!

Good to see you back :)
If you look at the numerous trading standards empty car parks on google maps you'll see they're already an established fleet user of the HippoGurad. :)
Just spotted a bit of a design flaw. What happens if you forget where you've parked your car . You could end up walking around empty spaces in towns for hours randomly pressing your fob !!
Another thought would be, why spend money protecting something nobody in their right mind would want to steal. :D:D
Just spotted a bit of a design flaw. What happens if you forget where you've parked your car . You could end up walking around empty spaces in towns for hours randomly pressing your fob !!
It's a risk you have to take but compared with the number of tratter thefts which seems to be rising (not just because they stopped making them it's been rising for a considerable number of years) you may find it also disappears when parked even when yer dun't have HippoGuard installed and activated, protecting yer tratter. And we int talking parts falling oft and being washed away when it's raining, although it's well known this happens. Naturally I can't divulge any future products or developments.
I think you ought to probably come down the road to LZ 12 and demonstrate this product to LZ members in the flesh.....give people a few pints and you'd be flogging this by the dozen !!

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