Hang on a mo' some of these hand winches are utter Shyte. Let's not confuse it with a tirfor which is a quality piece of kit but will set you back a couple of hundred quid.
Just out of interest, where around Falmouth are you planning to need recovery? Its not really known for difficult terrain?lol no your right it's not lol oldhill is quite steep, I don't intended on staying around this area and don't want to court short without something to help me out

Its a hand winch. They sell em up Macsalvors.

Most of the Westcountry you wont get stuck laning. Except maybe a few valley bottoms, and only if it is too wet anyway. Check out the D&C laning fred, most of the west is covered, no-one gets stuck, except a novice once in a sandpit.
And you shouldnt really be laning alone, unless you are very experienced. So you could recover each other if needed.

Pay and Play, trials etc they will have some sort of recovery vehicle.

So its not a bad idea, but I wouldnt lose too much sleep about it.
Yeah this true, just trying to get a good idea of what is going to be the best option for me without breaking the bank and I like to be prepared
Why not put a notice in the wanted section and see if anyone has a tirfor available.

They sometimes come up on fleabay at good prices, just make sure you are looking at the right sized one.

Good idea I'll have a look. This is why I love landyzone I like to get everyone's opinion sometimes you don't always think of everything but inbetween everyone's comment someone usually has the answer
There bloody expensive those trifors my As well attach a proper winch for that price

Mate, a Tirfor is a far superior and more versatile piece of kit to a winch under most circumstances.

I might be soon just before Xmas if that's any good

No probs mate just let me know if you still want it closer to the time. If I'm heading to Falmouth at any time I'll drop you a pm. But don't worry if it drops off your shopping list, no pressure...
I had a cheap one, TMax i think, jacked up the landy IT BENT landy came crashing down. Luckily wheels still attached and no damage done.

Then bought a genuine Hi-Lift used it for many years without any injury or landy damage. You just have to follow the instructions and be very careful. I now use a trolley jack in the garage which is 100000x easier!

Off Road, the hi-lift has helped me out numerous times, fair few times when the rear springs have dislocated and need to be popped back in, a few times had to jack up a wheel to get it out of a rut etc... also used it once as a winch, carefully.

Used properly and safely you wont have any problems.

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