
New Member
Hi guys, I have just traded in my X reg (2000)TD4 GS for a new Freelander Adventurer 06 reg Diesal. I have noticed that the fuel consumption seems to be much higher than my previous TD4. The fuel gauge registered just on quarter full when the wife used it to tow a horse trailer 20 miles max. She had to put in a tenner worth of Diesal as the gauge had dropped to empty!! Gauge back up to about a quarter full and I used the car yesterday to drive a distance of about 45 miles, gauge back down to empty!

I filled up the tank and drove about 90 miles and this morning when I got in the car and started the engine the gauge was showing that I had used about an 8th of a tank (between full and quarter full) on the way to work I stalled the car in traffic and the gauge went back up to full. Then on arriving at work I switched the engine off then turned the ignition back on to check the gauge which was now showing in between full and a quarter full again.

Not sure what is going on here? It would appear that I have driven approx 200 miles and used almost 3/4 of a tank of diesal!! :mad:

Compared to my TD4 at 80,000 I seem to have inherited a gus guzzler or the car has a faulty fuel gage.

Any suggestions please?

Thanks in advance.

I took delivery of my company car last week, a brand new Mondeo 2.0 litre TDCi. I'm averaging 33mpg on a long run which I think sucks. Aparantly because the running gear and engine are new it's very stiff and needs to be broken in. After about 1000 miles I'm told this will improve. Makes sense if you think about it. The older an engine gets the looser it gets, bit like a woman ;)
Give your motor a few thousand miles, should improve.
MPG doesn't bother me anymore, I got a company fuel card :D
Sounds very much like yer fuel sender is intermitant,its fitted in or above yer tank and is part of the fuel pump, accsess is inside yer rear bit of cab, keep an eye on it if it persists then play yer joker card[as a new motor] and as the Mark say's it will give better m p g after its loose ,this is even more so on a diesel best oh luck. . .:)
Hi guys thanks for the replies so far. Makes sense what you say but the mileage on the car is 5000. Bought it as an ex demonstrator, only had it a week so would the diagnosis still stand?


Hi there

Try this :- fill it to the brim (take a reading of the miles)
then drive a ??? of miles, fill it to the brim , and work out the mpg

hopefully your td4 will return a nice figure ;)
if not take your td4 back and show them the figures:eek:

if all is well it will be the sender (i think?)

Hope that makes sence

marksurry said:
I took delivery of my company car last week, a brand new Mondeo 2.0 litre TDCi. I'm averaging 33mpg on a long run which I think sucks. Aparantly because the running gear and engine are new it's very stiff and needs to be broken in. After about 1000 miles I'm told this will improve. Makes sense if you think about it. The older an engine gets the looser it gets, bit like a woman ;)
Give your motor a few thousand miles, should improve.
MPG doesn't bother me anymore, I got a company fuel card :D

i too drive a mondeo for work , i used to get about 40mpg out of my 115bhp tdci, 43 if i drove it nice, but i recently received my new 130bhp tdci, with added tracker, so now i don't cane it everywhere, i straightaway got over 40 mpg, and now sit around the 47 mark, a collegue gets over 50mpg, but he does drive like an old git all the time.
it will get better, but it should be doing more than 33 now

maybe you should try changing gear, try 2nd for example, or the other 4;)
He has a point Mondo. I thought it was a bumper car, one gear for forward and one for back. I'll have a look later and see if there are more gears on the stick between the seats.
It's still on its first tank of diesel so when she's near empty I'll fill her up to get an accurate figure on MPG. It's the 115bhp model by the way.
marksurry said:
He has a point Mondo. I thought it was a bumper car, one gear for forward and one for back. I'll have a look later and see if there are more gears on the stick between the seats.
It's still on its first tank of diesel so when she's near empty I'll fill her up to get an accurate figure on MPG. It's the 115bhp model by the way.

:rolleyes: mmm Its also a mondeo,:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D :D

yawn! he he!
marksurry said:
That's pretty good for a space ship. What does Mings rocket ship do to? :rolleyes:

Bet he has that running on chip fat aswell:p :D

Have you worked out what you getting mpg wise,Any different Ming? (ON THE HIPPO YOU FOOL)
mondo said:
Bet he has that running on chip fat aswell:p :D

Have you worked out what you getting mpg wise,Any different Ming? (ON THE HIPPO YOU FOOL)
Seems ta be just the same dont get to excited bout mpg as long as its bout right,my rocket can run on many types of fuel, but to get max from my warp mod Mrs Ming put in a special fuel collected from ma palace on Zog think the earth word for it is [fart gas]. . .:D
marksurry said:
He has a point Mondo. I thought it was a bumper car, one gear for forward and one for back. I'll have a look later and see if there are more gears on the stick between the seats.
It's still on its first tank of diesel so when she's near empty I'll fill her up to get an accurate figure on MPG. It's the 115bhp model by the way.

did you get the optional 6 speed gearbox, makes it a much more relaxed and economical car:)

tinca by name, tinca by nature;):D
ere i had a thought!!!!! the reason the septics eat so much fast food is they have enough old McD's oil to run the space shuttle
ere i had a thought!!!!! the reason the septics eat so much fast food is they have enough old McD's oil to run the space shuttle

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