I'm not your sunshine, I don't profess to read her mind, I'm saying I wouldn't blame her if she felt that way. There is a place on the site for that stuff where people go with fair warning to take whatever comes. That place is not in the welcome section. Thanks for the spell check.

If yu want to be pedantic - the place to ask questions would be the Freelander forum, not the introduce yoself bit either :rolleyes:.
I'm not your sunshine, I don't profess to read her mind, I'm saying I wouldn't blame her if she felt that way. There is a place on the site for that stuff where people go with fair warning to take whatever comes. That place is not in the welcome section. Thanks for the spell check.

As i said before, lighten up, you really do take things to seriously.
If yu want to be pedantic - the place to ask questions would be the Freelander forum, not the introduce yoself bit either :rolleyes:.

Hi MHM, I don't want to be pedantic, I've redirected plenty of newbies recently to the relevant section and encouraged use of search facilities etc to know where a post should be. I don't really think that that is the issue and I am certain you are not suggesting that just because she posted her mechanical query in the welcome section that she somehow deserved to be subjected to the comments that followed from a few members. My view is that this forum is a source of knowledge. I don't think that it's unreasonable to say that we represent the site's users when we leave comments for all the world to see on here. I do not want to be tarred with a brush because some users have few, if any, manners.
Hi MHM, I don't want to be pedantic, I've redirected plenty of newbies recently to the relevant section and encouraged use of search facilities etc to know where a post should be. I don't really think that that is the issue and I am certain you are not suggesting that just because she posted her mechanical query in the welcome section that she somehow deserved to be subjected to the comments that followed from a few members. My view is that this forum is a source of knowledge. I don't think that it's unreasonable to say that we represent the site's users when we leave comments for all the world to see on here. I do not want to be tarred with a brush because some users have few, if any, manners.

Perhaps you could be LZ head prefect as your so fecking perfect.
Blimey...it was a couple of jokes and a mild ones at that.

She's been given advice too before that.

There was no foul language or bullying..

Some people find things funny..others won't...who are you to judge?

I respect your right to say it was offensive..to you, you should respect others right to post what they wish as long as its within the forums rules..i'e not abuse or foul language.
As i said before, lighten up, you really do take things to seriously.

I am a very light hearted person if you get to know me but I can't abide that sort of nonsense. It will only drive users away from what could be classed as the best Landie forum on the net. The newbies will rarely defend themselves against bullies with thousands of posts and I expect that a lack of defence would be taken as that behaviour being condoned. I am not condoning the comments made and if I said nothing that is what I would be doing. If you want to see it as a joke that is entirely up to you. I have not asked you to take this seriously so please don't ask me to laugh it off. Thanks.
I am a very light hearted person if you get to know me but I can't abide that sort of nonsense. It will only drive users away from what could be classed as the best Landie forum on the net. The newbies will rarely defend themselves against bullies with thousands of posts and I expect that a lack of defence would be taken as that behaviour being condoned. I am not condoning the comments made and if I said nothing that is what I would be doing. If you want to see it as a joke that is entirely up to you. I have not asked you to take this seriously so please don't ask me to laugh it off. Thanks.

Driving them away it will die on it's feet-have you looked on main forum page for users in last 24 hours?

This forum doesn't abide
Politically correct idiots and cretins who think their vision of a forum is what everyone wants.

Put on your Rhino skin coat and relax.

Failing that your free to go else where
I am a very light hearted person if you get to know me but I can't abide that sort of nonsense. It will only drive users away from what could be classed as the best Landie forum on the net. The newbies will rarely defend themselves against bullies with thousands of posts and I expect that a lack of defence would be taken as that behaviour being condoned. I am not condoning the comments made and if I said nothing that is what I would be doing. If you want to see it as a joke that is entirely up to you. I have not asked you to take this seriously so please don't ask me to laugh it off. Thanks.

You are so not light hearted, get your head out of your arse, or i'll report you to the head master.
I don't call 'now you've had your help show us your tits' as a mild joke, it's just wrong. I'm not fussed if it was a spit the dummy thread either cos she didn't get immedfiate help, just ignore the thread if you don't want to help her. I'm not perfect but I like to help people of I can and if I can't, it's preferrable to guide them to the right place to get help as that is what we would all want if we needed help as much as she obviously did. This forum is no-one's personal play thing. I reiterate that it reflects on all users badly when one person posts abuse like that which was posted earlier and I stand by that.
I don't call 'now you've had your help show us your tits' as a mild joke, it's just wrong. I'm not fussed if it was a spit the dummy thread either cos she didn't get immedfiate help, just ignore the thread if you don't want to help her. I'm not perfect but I like to help people of I can and if I can't, it's preferrable to guide them to the right place to get help as that is what we would all want if we needed help as much as she obviously did. This forum is no-one's personal play thing. I reiterate that it reflects on all users badly when one person posts abuse like that which was posted earlier and I stand by that.

Why don't you ignore this thread if it's not to your liking? Or do you expect one rule for us and a different rule for you?
I don't call 'now you've had your help show us your tits' as a mild joke, it's just wrong. I'm not fussed if it was a spit the dummy thread either cos she didn't get immedfiate help, just ignore the thread if you don't want to help her. I'm not perfect but I like to help people of I can and if I can't, it's preferrable to guide them to the right place to get help as that is what we would all want if we needed help as much as she obviously did. This forum is no-one's personal play thing. I reiterate that it reflects on all users badly when one person posts abuse like that which was posted earlier and I stand by that.

I'm off at 9 PM - but you really are a penis, join LRO and save everyone from you anal personality

P.S feel free to report me
I'm not Welsh. I was right about the bullying though, now someone has stood up to you, the 'gang' is getting itself together, all it's members hiding behind their keyboards throwing insults at someone who is not trying to inflict a utopian vision of a forum onto anyone, merely asking that the crap stays in the anything goes section, for surely, that is why it was created and let those who wish to help the newbies do so. You wouldn't be happy if you went to Citizen's Advice and a poster on the wall stated that you would be assisted and then verbally abused afterwards would you?
now, now boys - leave Tony alone - he wants to help noobies and point them in the right direction - thats admirable :d

any new Q's about tyres, lift kits etc - just tell em Tony knows :D
I'm not Welsh. I was right about the bullying though, now someone has stood up to you, the 'gang' is getting itself together, all it's members hiding behind their keyboards throwing insults at someone who is not trying to inflict a utopian vision of a forum onto anyone, merely asking that the crap stays in the anything goes section, for surely, that is why it was created and let those who wish to help the newbies do so. You wouldn't be happy if you went to Citizen's Advice and a poster on the wall stated that you would be assisted and then verbally abused afterwards would you?

sorry but its got to be said........


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