
New Member
Hi Landy people. My names Mike and we have a freelander 1 in the household. I would have posted before but I lost my activation code We have an 02 TD4 and for the most part it's been good. I find myself back here (now i'm activated) becasue the darn thing has let me down and I would like some advice please? It's shredded the large serpentine belt. I've pulled it out and it's stranded on the drive 4 miles from my usual garage. I've read and searched on here that you need a 24mm spanner (which I haven't got) to even attempt to swap it, I removed the side panel and that tensioner is well hidden. I'm reasonably competant but this seems way beyond my capabilities. Even if I had a belt and a 24mm spanner I don't feel I know enough on how to do it to go purchase the bits. I've seen a picture of how it goes round the wheels and pulleys but it's like working blind. I also noticed the smaller belt was cracking so that's on its last legs too Did anyone ever do a write up as the only alternative is to try and limp it to the garage. With jump leads I can get it to start and maybe limp to the garage. The battery is either duff or flattened becasue after 10 mins of charging from the other car it ran but wouldn't re-start on its own. This makes me think it will die whilst limping despite it being diesel What's the sort of cost DIY or Indy to fix this any other advice......please help :(
Ignore the burn advice and post on the freelander forum where they are less prejudiced against Freelanders. :welcome:
It wont let me quote without going to mod so i'll be general

I aint an Hairdresser, it's not our only car in fact it's not the only 4 wheeler (and no it's not a freelander). I said hello because I was asked to do so and to be met with some childish responses was quite dissapointing.
It wont let me quote without going to mod so i'll be general

I aint an Hairdresser, it's not our only car in fact it's not the only 4 wheeler (and no it's not a freelander). I said hello because I was asked to do so and to be met with some childish responses was quite dissapointing.

Have you actually read any of the forum?
Just jumped in with both feet?
Get yer head from out yer arse and enjoy the banter- and help from the gaylanderers.
It wont let me quote without going to mod so i'll be general

I aint an Hairdresser, it's not our only car in fact it's not the only 4 wheeler (and no it's not a freelander). I said hello because I was asked to do so and to be met with some childish responses was quite dissapointing.

you think this is childish???

well prepare to be a lot more disappointed in future then, if this level of friendly banter concerns you i think you had better look elsewhere for your information, FFS man up and pull those teddies back in the cot, clamp in your dummy and get on with it.

I bet your other "4 wheeler" is a slitty and that you are as gay as big Ps boyfriend, puffy puffy puff puff thats what you are and you smell of poo.

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