
Hi ALL NEWBIE HERE. . . .LOL . . . .I drive a Gaylander very fast whens i git near er phookin Tratter un ma mutt [Porky ] likes ta ****e outa the rear window as we go past em. . . . .Lol. . . .parp !!!! anyhows ma rear window is jammed un poor ole Porky as his arse stuck out the back. . . .any er you clever chaps know how to fix it. . . . . .am i in the reet section ? :) :) :) LOL. . . . . .
ave yer dunna search?

Draw a face on it n pretend e's smokin a cigar.

Else tattoo a big W on each cheek, then it'll say WoW on it.
Erm. . . . .he's still stuck bin two days now ,un now i git er whineing noise at 100mph at the back. . . .any help wood be appreciated . . .am i in the reet section ?
Erm. . . . .he's still stuck bin two days now ,un now i git er whineing noise at 100mph at the back. . . .any help wood be appreciated . . .am i in the reet section ?

Kick mrs ming out. That'll stop the whineing.:p
Hi ming ho ho, oh you'll need a thick skin if you drive a 'gaylander' be prepared for some jovial banter from the royster doysterers on here.

all harmless japes as i'm sure you'll eventually appreciate. good luck m8.
( got any pics btw )

also did anybody notice the advert for gay dating under mings post.
Mr..Ming, is there a "right section " for you? We used to have someone on here with the same name. Can't be you, - the other one spoke a lot of sense ------------------sometimes!!

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