
New Member
Hi, I've had my Landy Defender 300Tdi M reg since 2002 and am emotionally attached to it. It went to the garage for a replacement rear cross member but it turns out it needs a total chassis replacement. Devastated!!!! I can't bring myself to scrap/sell it so I've had to SORN it until I can afford to have the work done. Not ideal in this financial crisis as you can imagine. Anyway, the reviews have warned me off getting a Richards chassis. I know Marsland are good but has anyone had experience of Maer? I really don't want to be making a very expensive mistake by getting a dud. Yes, like everyone else I'm hoping for a big win on the Euromillions. Thank you
Hi, I've had my Landy Defender 300Tdi M reg since 2002 and am emotionally attached to it. It went to the garage for a replacement rear cross member but it turns out it needs a total chassis replacement. Devastated!!!! I can't bring myself to scrap/sell it so I've had to SORN it until I can afford to have the work done. Not ideal in this financial crisis as you can imagine. Anyway, the reviews have warned me off getting a Richards chassis. I know Marsland are good but has anyone had experience of Maer? I really don't want to be making a very expensive mistake by getting a dud. Yes, like everyone else I'm hoping for a big win on the Euromillions. Thank you
Welcome to LZ. Sorry to hear about your Landy. As Brian says, you could start a thread in the Defender section or use the search function. Best of luck :)
First, Welcome Aboard :)

Second, as above, a thread in the defender section, per posts 2 & 3, and some pictures … we can then offer better advice… and, as post 4, it can probably be welded up for a year at least, whilst you save up…:)
Hi and welcome
Are you sure it needs a full chassis? Second opinion?
I've been told the part of the chassis the rear cross member would be fitted to is shot to hell. Most of the rest of it could be welded but that section can't be apparently.
Hi and welcome!

sorry to hear about your Landy. Definitely worth getting a second opinion. That could buy you another year or two to save up for the chassis instead of getting hit with a big bill unexpectedly.
Good luck and let us know how you get on.
Welcome to landyzone blown glass version of road tyres. Sorry to hear of the misadventures. As above mentioned, pop along to the defender section they will sooth your brow.

I've been told the part of the chassis the rear cross member would be fitted to is shot to hell. Most of the rest of it could be welded but that section can't be apparently.

ok, then half chassis… but… put some pictures up, and we’ll advise… or laugh … or both :rolleyes::D
Welcome to the asylum

Also sorry to hear of the news , must confess on one of my old 109’s , I got a decent second hand chassis as I couldn’t afford a new one , then spent the time washing , steaming cleaning with finally treating it
I laughed but I think it was hysteria! I'll get my camera, crawl underneath and try to avoid the avalanche of rust.....
Been there, done that, and got the :mad::mad: t-shirt :D … pictures are the best way of “us” advising you.. without seeing it…:)
Welcome, and sorry to hear about your woes.

A talented welder / fabricator can probably salvage the area where the main chassis rails meet the rear cross, if that's the problem. A lot of places will just cut the rotten cross member out and weld a new cross member in, you need someone who's a little more skilled and can cut a little more away and replace it, but that shouldn't be too much more expensive than just replacing the cross member.

As for a new chassis, I can't recommend a particular brand, but I can recommend treating it properly before you make the swap. Don't buy a galv chassis and think that's enough - treat it properly and you'll get a lot more life out of it.

LandroverSophie on YouTube did a good video or two covering how she prepped her new galv chassis before fitting.

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