Far from it young lady! :cool:

One of the other questions which female members get asked is, "Can you bake cakes?" I'm too much of a gentleman to ask the other one(s)


I see you have made a good start by providing a photo of yourself (your avatar pic)


Have a look around the Freelander section - your questions may already have been answered, if not, then post away.

Be advised that the Freelander tends to cop for a lot of banter on LZ, more so than Discos ;)

What is that one? Show us your tits? That was nice of you not to asked, True gentleman
Pmsl - u provide the petrol and ill provide the matches :) I am looking to swap for a 5 seater version as I have the 4 seater hard top convertible and it isnt practical x
Haha - gay landers :) some of us cant afford real landrovers :'( haha yes I have already posted - need a job done badger people lol.......
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