Hahahaha - right off to do the school runs will be back in 15 min x and no oooogling at my insane bangers lol
Lol :D you asked for that pollack

Maybe i should have made myself a little clearer:rolleyes:

Treacle we require, by law I might add, a picture of your magnificent breasts.
The approved pic must contain your aforementioned fun bags, your land rover - even if it is a gaylander - and a bloody big smile.

Your current membership of this fine site is indeed only temporary until such time as I have reviewed the picture alone in a darkened room for at least 25 minutes. If the outcome is satisfactory then you will automatically be accepted as a full member, a full member is required for full membership.
25 minutes?! You bloody wish sunshine. The door won't even have swung shut before a loud scream and a tidal wave of mad monk cascades all over the place
We've all been waiting longer that two seconds, although I suspect some peeps will be hoping for more than they will recieve:hysterically_laughi
Isn't there a photo of 110woman wearing her underwear on the outside and lying on the bonnet of her fender? Don't tell me that was her idea lol

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