New Member
Well i'm back in the land of the Landrover after a few years away, why? not sure, just love the old girl's, bought a LWB diesel 2a with a sherpa engine, only driven petrol series before so look forward to better fuel economy (got 38mpg on the motorway bringing her home @ a steady 65:) ). Finally got the time to sort out the job's that need doing after a few months, brakes, service and paint(although i like the rustic look about town:D ) on the cards, and i've just snapped a half shaft at the back, damn.
Keep it cool ladies and germ's, i'll be begging your advice as soon as i get the spanners out:confused:

38mpg @ 65..........Rock on!

Result & welcome. G'wan, get those spanners out, it's part of it (usually a big part!). I've just spent all afternoon getting filthy, down & dirty, I don't know why anyone else should get away with it! :D

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