
New Member
When I retired from the FireBrigade many moons ago, I brought an old 2a Brigade landrover into retirement with me and promised it a nice home and a rebuild onto a shinny new galv chassis ( a retirement project I thought !). I promptly went back to work doing other things and she has sat, neglected, in the back of my workshop for the past 14yrs getting more decrepit (like me). While my chassis has got fatter hers has got thinner, I would call it a 50/50 ... 50% rust and 50% fresh air, she definitely needs a new under carriage now !:( Guilt (and a new effort at retirement) has jolted me to fulfil that ambition before they nail the lid on my box.
To that end, ...I would be grateful for helpful advice from you Landy lovers out there.

I have read with interest the comments made Richards verses Marshland. My nearest manufacturer is Davey Chassis at North Bristol, has any one any experience of using theirs ?
Where abouts in Devon are you? (out of interest)

My friend in Tiverton put a new chassis under his series 2 - im not certain but i think he purchased it from Richards.
I'm at Dawlish, Were starting the project in September, doing it with a friend in Gloucester. I'm just starting to source replacement parts for the running gear. Springs are rust blown etc.
I'm up there next week so planning to visit Davey chassis at bBristol and see what they do, would have been nice to have had some one else's testimony.

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