
New Member
Hi everyone,Im the proud owner of a 1998 P38,in Dublin she's called a Range Rover DSE 1998.We bought her 3yrs ago and she has been so tempramental ever since. I feel Im cursed :mad: What a dream to look at though,which is why we wont get rid of it.We have put so much into it so far I know it like the back of my hand,well almost.Anyway,we are from Dublin,our "baby" is from Swansea,we bought it in Dublin,paid the VRT:mad: and have had bothers with it since.i still love though,its a cracker:D
Hello. Welcome to Landyzone.

Banter and **** taking is all part and parcel of this forum so don't get put off by the weirdo's.

You'll get a lot of great advice and a lot of useless drivel. As long as you don't mind reading the drivel to get to the useful stuff you'll be fine.:p
Well the old p38 beasties eh!

ER hello.

as for the p38 wack a set of carbs on it and bin the eletric****erie,Mud tyres and bash the crap outta it.Buy a Good diesel for every day use.The new tdci is good and a td5 ok ish.Best bet for a run around is a 200tdi as its easier to work on.

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