1969 Series 2a 2.25L Diesel last mileage 71.43MPG. Just a quick thanks for all the encouragement lads. If anyone wants to see it and check it out I live in Lancaster but don't mind driving a reasonable distance to show you ( it may have good mileage but it's still only happy at around 40 so I don't tend to see motorways unless its from a flyover). Anyway, take care lads. Feel free to contact me via the moderators or whatever.

Rather than driving over to Lancaster. How about you post some photos of your flux capacitor for us all to see! :rolleyes:
Well I've just had the warp drive installed in mine and have been testin it all week and all seems well. Only glitch I've found with it. Is the crazed Jock who insists on calling me captain and telling me she won't take it. Oh and the 5 years to stop. once she gets to warp factor 9. but that's ok apparently. Cause we're gonna boldly go were no man has gone before.
once she gets to warp factor 9.

Thats where your going wrong Red!!

Apparenty with a Flux capacitor you only need to reach 88 mph before you can instantly teleport to any time/place!!

Zero mpg once this speed is reached! However my 2.5 N/A takes about 5 hours to reach that speed. By which time I have ran out of deisel!!

Any suggestions would be welcome!:(
Thats where your going wrong Red!!

Apparenty with a Flux capacitor you only need to reach 88 mph before you can instantly teleport to any time/place!!

Zero mpg once this speed is reached! However my 2.5 N/A takes about 5 hours to reach that speed. By which time I have ran out of deisel!!

Any suggestions would be welcome!:(

put some water in yer doosul to make it last longer
Thats where your going wrong Red!!

Apparenty with a Flux capacitor you only need to reach 88 mph before you can instantly teleport to any time/place!!

Zero mpg once this speed is reached! However my 2.5 N/A takes about 5 hours to reach that speed. By which time I have ran out of deisel!!

Any suggestions would be welcome!:(

24 hours b4 time travel, down at least 5 bottles o rum [brandy will also work] then ten minutes b4 ya leave, **** in the tank [mind ya dont breathe in the fumes coz they r toxic and can get to yer head and make ya see triple] if this happens, jus close one eye....yule see 1 1/2....then hold on coz she be doin 88 b4 ya even start her up.
Gouranga, where are the photos and explaination of your warpdrive that is allowing you to get 70mpg?

Dont just talk ****e... If you've done it then prove everyone wrong and show/explain your device.

Otherwise shut the fook up and dont be a ****!
My 90 TD will do 50 miles on a gallon of diesel. I just have to supplement its diet with a gallon of veg at the same time!
My 90 TD will do 50 miles on a gallon of diesel. I just have to supplement its diet with a gallon of veg at the same time!

Way to go!

My Disco TD5 runs like a dream on 50-50 pump diesel and veg, but it's a devil to start.

So I convert my veg to BioDiesel. Perfect!

I end up doing about 1,000 miles on one tankful of pump diesel.

1,000 miles on under 20 gallons .... more than FIFTY miles per gallon Disco if we don't include the Bio!

It's a good un for the greenie sandal mob telling em that it does 50+ mpg on non-renewable energy - this makes the vehicle taxation for environmental reasons totally farcical - i say up the pump price, then it truly becomes pay-as-you-pollute! (although it would only need to be upped by a fraction, unlike the amount it has recently gone up - but that's a political issue going on on a diffrent fred!)

Interested to hear the TD5 worked OK on veg (although hard to start) - i've seen advice on here saying it can;'t be done, it obviously can!
Way to go!

My Disco TD5 runs like a dream on 50-50 pump diesel and veg, but it's a devil to start.

So I convert my veg to BioDiesel. Perfect!

I end up doing about 1,000 miles on one tankful of pump diesel.

1,000 miles on under 20 gallons .... more than FIFTY miles per gallon Disco if we don't include the Bio!


Charles, are you refining your own biodiesel? If so, are you using methanol? Is it dangerous? Do you end up with a waste product?
I think Uncle C should do a Dik1.7mm styleeee review of making yer own biofuule so us apprentice sciuntists can save owrsen loads a money.
I think Uncle C should do a Dik1.7mm styleeee review of making yer own biofuule so us apprentice sciuntists can save owrsen loads a money.

its bin done, ah think it wur the pretend space twot wot did it in the gaylander bit

are you refining your own biodiesel? YES!

If so, are you using methanol? YES!

Is it dangerous? YES!

Do you end up with a waste product? YES!

Start with 100 litres of filtered used vegetable oil - filtered through her tights will be enough, and the oil must NOT be contaminated by water.

Warm the oil up to about 50°C.

Now, put on good goggles, and long rubber gloves.

Take 15 litres of methanol (methyl alcohol, CH3OH) and VERY SLOWLY, while stirring all the time with a WOODEN paddle of some sort, add about 850 grams of SODIUM HYDROXIDE (NaOH) .

IT WILL produce a nasty solution of SODIUM METHOXIDE in methanol.

Sodium methoxide kills nerve cells so quickly that pain will not be felt.
There is NO recovery from this.
Sodium methoxide is a VERY NASTY substance requiring extreme care in handling. NEVER STORE it! make it and use it right away.

Anyway, once all the sodium hydroxide crystals have disappeared, you start stirring the OIL (I have an electric stirring machine that does this) and pour the methanol / methoxide solution into the oil.

Stir it till tomorrow or so, and then stop stirring it.

Separation will begin immediately.

In a few hours there will be a heavy dark layer of about 15 litres lying under about 100 litres of beautiful honey-coloured 20 pence a litre biodiesel. All the crap that might have been left in the oil will have dropped out into the dark layer of glycerol at the bottom.

Syphon the BioDiesel off carefully and tip it in your tank.

Do the vessels for mixing the methoxide have to be metal? or plastic? Or doesn't it matter? I was thinking of getting a copper immersion tank for heating the oil would that be suitable. As I could use an immersion element to heat the oil up. I take it you add the oil to the methoxide
Do the vessels for mixing the methoxide have to be metal? or plastic? Or doesn't it matter? I was thinking of getting a copper immersion tank for heating the oil would that be suitable. As I could use an immersion element to heat the oil up. I take it you add the oil to the methoxide

Steel is fine, and copper should be fine too.

Be aware (pleasantly surprised!) that the oil will heat up about twice as fast at the same amount of water.

A 210 litre steel oil drum fitted with an immerser is ideal.

Make sure the electrical earthing is good.

Been a plumber meself I thought if I got hold of an immersion tank it has all the fittings necessary for draining heating etc. I think I'll pop down the local scrap metal yard when I get back from the shindig, and see what I can turn up. There 2 chippies 3 pizza places a chinese takeaway and an indian restaurant within easy reach of my house and I have a large shed to make it in so that'll be good also my mate has a 200tdi disco so I could go halves with him on the cost of setting it all up and paying for the methanol and sodium hydroxide.
Only problem i've come accross is that you have to register with the EA as a waste handler (about £100) else the chippies can't legally release their WVO to you - the water company down here is getting hot on checking oil in vs oil out to make sure it's not going down their drains, and trying to prosecute where there are discrepancies.
Ok so go on youtube and look up HHO, am not sure if its some kind of elaborate joke or not yet, but if the results are anything like as good as it looks then it has to be worth considering.

I did some more research on HHO and it seems relatively true that it does work and quite a simple process HOWEVER I have not met anyone who has done it and my sister, a chemistry buff reckons it could work as the HHO gas is present and exists.

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