Loosen inj clamp nut and take her for a drive to see if it moves some more, if you do get it out you want one of them cheap inj seat cutter sets off of ebay about 15 quid, you dont cut the seat as such just scrape it clean, they do a decent job for the money.
Check new scopper eal washer is soft, if not anneall it before fitting.

I had a stuck no4 inj on a 200 and drove the car for weeks before it started to chuff/loose with a loose clamp nut, then with some lube I got the bloody thing out, it was a struggle and I had spent hours on the thing.
Thanks for that Lynall. Is there any risk of damage if I drive her about for a bit whilst I wait for a tool to arrive? I’ll squirt some penetrating lube around it today and loosen the clamp nut a smidge. I tried for over an hour getting it out the other day whilst doing the gasket, proper bastid tight it was, but I moved it enough to unseat it I guess and the clamp doesn’t exert enough pressure to push it back home.
At least I’m learning a lot about the engine!
Well, the blow-by on the injector certainly did a good job of freeing it off! Taken out, seat cleaned up and new washer installed. Purrs like a kitten again.
I’ve ordered a seat cleaning kit and some ceramic grease, so I may take them out and give them a bit of love later in the week.

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