I’m just about losing the will to go on with this bloody thing! Stuck on 1 injector, well, the injector’s stuck on me. 1-3 came out fine, wiggling with a spanner and they’d pull out. Number 4 is being an absolute git, I can just about turn it, but there’s no hope of wiggling it out. Being the furthest of course reaching it is a bugger too. I need to go to the side, put spanner on and tw@ with a hammer, then go to the front of the bonnet and pull it back to me. I’ve been doing this for an hour and I’m making little progress. Plus Gas is being used too.
Rant over.
Leave it in. I didn't take any of mine out and I was going to mention it earlier but you had already purchased the washers. Just don't lay the head flat as they protrude.
Leave it in. I didn't take any of mine out and I was going to mention it earlier but you had already purchased the washers. Just don't lay the head flat as they protrude.
Now you tell me :oops:. I did wonder if they could be left in, but I’m no mechanic! I took the rocker assembly out which gained me access to the other side, it moves with a bar on it, but I don’t want to do more harm than good!
I’m going to leave number 4 in then.
Thanks Flossie.
@bluedog333 , now with head off and if you want to remove injector #4, spray soak both sides with full fat coca-cola - this will enable the injector to come out. Clean off coca-cola residue with methylated spirit.
@bluedog333 , now with head off and if you want to remove injector #4, spray soak both sides with full fat coca-cola - this will enable the injector to come out. Clean off coca-cola residue with methylated spirit.
Cheers. I left the injector in.
Job done, started first time and runs really well. However, it now overheats after only 5 mins/2miles of driving! Top hose and rad are boiling, bottom hose is cool. Any ideas? Does this sound like a duff water pump?
Whip the stat out and try without if your in a rush.
One horrible thought has occurred...but I wonder if it's possible to fit the HG wrong and block waterways?
Whip the stat out and try without if your in a rush.
One horrible thought has occurred...but I wonder if it's possible to fit the HG wrong and block waterways?

It is possible to fit wrong way round - remember watching a video from Britannica Mike on this...engine had similar symptoms as @bluedog333
Whip the stat out and try without if your in a rush.
One horrible thought has occurred...but I wonder if it's possible to fit the HG wrong and block waterways?
Don’t tell me that! I’m sure it’s the right way up, everything lined up and the thickness holes (3) are poking out in the right place.
I think so, but maybe it was on its way out and caused the gasket failure? I don’t know how to check a water pump for effectiveness.
They usually start making a noise when they are on the way out and play can be felt in the shaft. Did you measure how much coolant you put back in?

Injector pump side between 3 and 4 ( I think) can check mine if you like?
Yes, that’s where they are now. It was definitely the right way up. It must be airlock,pump or thermostat, but I don’t know what leads to my symptoms.

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