
New Member
Hi everyone, I'm a new member and I think the site is great, I have got my first ever land rover coming tomorrow evening and I can not wait! It's a Series III SWB Station Wagon with the 2.25 lump in it.

I'll let you know how it goes when it arrives. I think we have come up with the name pat (I'm not sad but i thought it was fitting) cause she's a bit rough and butch.

Hi everyone, I'm a new member and I think the site is great, I have got my first ever land rover coming tomorrow evening and I can not wait! It's a Series III SWB Station Wagon with the 2.25 lump in it.

I'll let you know how it goes when it arrives. I think we have come up with the name pat (I'm not sad but i thought it was fitting) cause she's a bit rough and butch.


FFS, calling yer vehicul a name, am I missing sumat here. duz yer bin have a name as well?

Anyway sees yuv sed it now, we need pictoores.
FFS, duz yer bin have a name as well?
Bin lorry turns up...

Bin man: "Oi Mister, where's yer bin?"

Chinese man: "I bin asweep, where you bin?"

Bin man: "No, where's ya dust bin?"

Chinese man: "OK, i dust bin in the bog. Where roo dust bin?"

Bin man: "NOOO, where's ya wheely bin?"

Chinese man (sheepishly) : "OK, woo got me mister, i wheely bin havin a ****"
Bin lorry turns up...

Bin man: "Oi Mister, where's yer bin?"

Chinese man: "I bin asweep, where you bin?"

Bin man: "No, where's ya dust bin?"

Chinese man: "OK, i dust bin in the bog. Where roo dust bin?"

Bin man: "NOOO, where's ya wheely bin?"

Chinese man (sheepishly) : "OK, woo got me mister, i wheely bin havin a ****"


for those who would like to now my dust bin is called doris (joke) but the bin man is called james!

i love it to just wish i could day it more often lol

for those who would like to now my dust bin is called doris (joke) but the bin man is called james!

i love it to just wish i could day it more often lol


Wooosh, and I never get that intimate wif the bin man.

The wee postie girl yes please, but smelly bin man no thanks.

Actually whilst we're on that subject there is a courier girl that comes as well and she has a nice uniform and a crackin arse, never looked at the bin mans arse tho, have you ya perv;)
can not say i have dave and the postman is well, a man' and what is this thing called the courier are you saying you do not support royal mails plans for world take over lol

can not say i have dave and the postman is well, a man' and what is this thing called the courier are you saying you do not support royal mails plans for world take over lol


Royal mail is ****, long gone are the days when your mail came in the morning, and then of course an afternoon delivery.

Now it comes whenever, and the the bastid knocks the door once then fooks off like lindfurd kristie the fooker wif the parcels, if it's a recorded delivery he signs it himself and fooks it in. But because he or she has no set times it's mission impossible to intercept the coont.

So much for recorded delivery eh

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