I'm hoping I can do it Wednesday latest and remove my rear exhaust and make a neat side exit but hey I'm not rushing I'm ready when i'm ready You guys may wish to leave earlier and let me catch you up cos I's looking like I won't be leaving till last min TBH
They've opened a load more lanes up that were TRO'd when we did that weekend, Worth another trip sometime.

Sounds like we're all a tad pushed for time getting ready for wales....
Thanks Landroverjack, you have restored my faith in humanity, because at least you get it... ;)

And for all the morons that don't get, I won't mention any names, but I mean Paul and that other guy, I wasn't saying we shouldn't help Warren,
just that this weekend is not the right time.

Doing your very first laning trip, with your wife, following a bunch of highly experienced drivers with very capable vehicle, on a boys weekend in very techincal and (almost certainly damaging to paintwork at the very least) lanes, is just stupid, end of... especially in a land cruiser :mooning:

I know this cause all the fooking paint from my landrover is sitting in a lane that Beaker and Jai took me through on this last trip :D

Hahaha well some call me Captain Jack and someone must have named that famous pirate after me too, but I'm not sure I am the saviour of humanity :lol::lol:

Nor am I a highly experienced driver and I have a pretty standard defender for now :D

You are however allowed to speak highly of me if you wish, just because I don't value my paintwork too much :p:D
And get this the fookin bathroom decided to leak through the kitchen ceiling. Not fun trying to find where its leaking exactly so I've just turned the water orf and I'll look at it when I'm better hopefully tomorrow which cheered up the Mrs up noend not!! lol

Twas a good weekend nobody got stuck not even a rope was asked for! [\quote]

That may have something to with the fact that we was only 90ies and 110's, and we have a smidgen of experience :D

A noob in a land cruiser may well have got stuck :rolleyes:
Don't say it!!! Please! :eek::eek:

Say what?

I think i may end up heading up there on thursday straight to the campsite at Corwen, just take it easy.

Just gives everyone an extra day to get things sorted.

Oh, And i only got 22mpg on the way back home from yours. :eek:
Say what?

I think i may end up heading up there on thursday straight to the campsite at Corwen, just take it easy.

Just gives everyone an extra day to get things sorted.

Oh, And i only got 22mpg on the way back home from yours. :eek:

Nothing :rolleyes:

Bloody hell did you get home in 5 mins then? :eek:
A thick skin and giving as good as you get helps with us lot, If you cock up or get stuck we will take the **** for ages, until the next unfortunate soul get stuck for 60 odd hours ( you know who you are) :D

Firstly... I'm gonna stick up for Paul a bit as he's helped me in the past with lane info etc... and although never met have done a lot of work on lanes in Shropshire through various local organisations and whilst id not take a cruiser laning it would be a serious contender for an overlander, especially Africa as they use them loads over there...

But... yes Paul... you do get a bit of stick even when the recovery guys cant get there for 50+ hours meaning you may have been stuck for a little longer than necessary but all good fun!!:doh::p

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