Tim should be ok hopefully, just needs to take it easy with his steering. Nath had a puncture but didn`t change it and don`t think he has a jack.:doh: Touch wood they both make it ok
Got back just after 6... had to completely empty the mota... avin no window to stop the fookas nickin me stuff :D
got back safe and sound. The f king steering shake was a nightmare on the motorway so i pulled up and tightened the bollox up on the panard rod bushes. The rear prop also apears to be mullered which is probably the 40 mph onwards vibration i was getting but that soon smothed out at 90 any way.
The bigest problem was driving the last 50 miles or so accross country in the dark with only one half lit headlight. but hey ho, must be one of the best weekends ever.
I do feel a bit guilty being the only one with out pannel damage very lucky really considering the amount of trees that collapsed arround me :D
got back safe and sound. The f king steering shake was a nightmare on the motorway so i pulled up and tightened the bollox up on the panard rod bushes. The rear prop also apears to be mullered which is probably the 40 mph onwards vibration i was getting but that soon smothed out at 90 any way.
The bigest problem was driving the last 50 miles or so accross country in the dark with only one half lit headlight. but hey ho, must be one of the best weekends ever.
I do feel a bit guilty being the only one with out pannel damage very lucky really considering the amount of trees that collapsed arround me :D

Glad you made it back safe pal
oh ok, i`ll see what i can remember:D

This is the one lane that probably caused more damage than any of the others put together, very tight with thick bushes on both sides. Rick was in front i was 2nd. Lane became muddy and banked up on the left hand side. Rick went through but when i went i slid down to my right hand side resting on a steel mesh fence. Past this was a steep drop which after a bit of thought i realised that the fence and a small tree/bush was the only thing stopping me rolling over sidewards:eek:
Tried going forward and backward but just slid further into the fence.

Was now time to start looking at how to recover it from rolling over and down the hill.
luckerly we had a big tree on the left hand side so a strop was put round this then used Tims winch through the strop and onto the front of mine in an attempt to pull it sidewards and out. Didn`t work as the car was now over too much. We had already tried to pull straight out and that just put me into a tree:eek:

So last resort we had was to take down the fence while i had Tims winch holding the back of my car, the idea was then for me to spin the front end round and then take the nose dive down into the field.

Tim started winching and managed to drag the back of my car round and with back wheels in the air i managed to spin the front round and pointing down the hill.

Was a bit arse twitching but it worked and down i went. :D

That took us just over an hour, by this time Tim had also lost grip and his back end was now sliding down the bank as the whole side was falling in:eek:

He got himself winched out and managed to move past where i slid down. Next up was Nathan, i`ll let him tell his side of the story:D Gotta say a huge thanks to everyone though, we all pulled (and winched) together and managed to get out with what could have been far worse damage. I had a cracked front indicator lens and a few scratches.

thanks again guys and girls, top job:D
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I hope thats what you meant and not the bit when i chased a sheep round the field cos that would be embarrasing lol
Vid is up

[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LcGGOmF2t0"]YouTube - Greenlaing in North Wales[/nomedia]

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