
Well-Known Member
Hi People,

Any North Wales locals wanna meet for a pint and help us Southern Bastids mark up our maps and keep us on legal lanes during our Grenlane weekend?

Looks like you might bump in to our lot then as were doing a forum run form west to north wales over that weekend, You will love North Wales there are some cracking lanes enough for about 3 days very scrathy and very technical
where you heading fella? corwen is just down road from me, you going any further north?
Jai, get onto the CRAG forum (crag-uk.org I think) there's a chap called Paul Humphries who lives in Oswestry but knows the area well, he'll also probably have memory map stuff!!
Carpy you about again? i heared that Chris has sorted your 110 somwhere.

My plan was to head to pontypool area then go up Norf however things are looking worse I may have to drive to snowdonia hange there for a day then meet the others up Norf
What time are you thinking of heading over Jai? As i'd rather much like to travel over in convoy. Just in case.......
i'll be honest the way things are going latley things are taking ages to sort out so i'm not even sure when I will be ready to leave. when would be best for you mate?
Hey Jai,

Where are you guys camping ? What nights ? I may just come up for that, the last time was an absolute hoot. Is Screwy's Mom coming :D
Hey Booger!

Not sure yet I did find a campsite that was cool with us going even had posh showers and cheap nr Corwen will look into your most welcome chap! TBH planning isn't my great strength so I was going to kinda book a night or 2 nr Corwen and wing it.

Best times i've had have been ad hoc

i'll be honest the way things are going latley things are taking ages to sort out so i'm not even sure when I will be ready to leave. when would be best for you mate?

Just give us a shout when your ready for the off and We shall nip over and meet up with you. I shall bring both tents, depending on what we end up doing, dictates what one i shall use over night. :doh:

Edit: And it would be great to catch up Booger. Not sure Screwys mum will make it, but in sure someones mum will......
Hey Booger!

Not sure yet I did find a campsite that was cool with us going even had posh showers and cheap nr Corwen will look into your most welcome chap! TBH planning isn't my great strength so I was going to kinda book a night or 2 nr Corwen and wing it.

Best times i've had have been ad hoc


Yep ad hoc is always fun, but is the general idea to spend fri and sat nights in the north/Corwen area ?

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