Ow I just woke up, PIcked up Rach from work at 7.30 and then back to bed again til now. Popped my head outside my motas covered!!! Lol.
Thanks to Kev, I've got headlights that work properly and door tops that aren't falling off.
Changed all of the oils, some had water contamination, but now they're lovely, ready to rock.
Maximum attack is now possible. Bring it on!!!
Disco01, B3aker and me are off to Ashwell and beyond tomorrow now, as Council Barstewards have close Santa Pod.
Looking forward to it, been a few weeks without the Landy. Ran it today without the door tops, never done that before, feels great, needs guaranteed dry weather though.
I'm hoping it's open, I've got your number in case I need teas and sarnies bringing across.:D

Ha ha ha... well you know we always carry emergency supplies for the kids! AND Kai and I will be with Jai tomorrow so you can include his number too!

On a seperate note... just an image to make you smile....

Took the disco out today for a run over to colchester... family get together and all that you know how it is - started over heating on the way home. Stopped on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere and let the motor cool down then begain hunting for water to put in the radiator to get us to the next service station.

That's an extra use for pee that I hadn't thought of... and it got me all the way home... thank christ I had a pint or two while I was at my brothers house!:D
The **** I was stuck in is nothing to the sh** I'm in now

If anyone ever gets stuck/stranded and is in need of help give me a shout I'll allways try and lend a hand if i'm about. If you dont have my mobie number let me know i'll PM it.

Was down at Southend on Friday launching the Ski and a 110 had a little trouble, had to give it a tug out off the beach...shame it wasnt an X5 or I would have just left it and let the tide wash it away :D just kidding:p

im always about aswel, and i keep most of my tools with me to aswel as an 8m strop and shackles, am gona go find some new lanes later when it cools down as my disco overheated to, i might go chesham as iv only driven the osterich lane
Jeez Well today was Lots of fun. I got stuck but I got furthur than the disco. A few recoverys at the Comp Safari and Kai had his first go at trialling in the clubs tricked up tractor.

Glad I had my super short strop tho otherwise recovering that comper without any steering woulda been a biatch. I only towed him off the course out of the way Luckily I was spared from taking him back to the startline by the CoC.
Think it shocked Ryder when he showed us his drop arm completey sheared off complete with nut still attached. Saying that he did hit that Tree bloody hard the wheel rim took a hell of a beating. I heared it about 300 Meters away. Jai
You're not kiddin he hit it....

I think I have a photo somehwre... ah yes here it is...

And the overall winner


Just got to get a video editing program and I will compact the 30 or so clips into a short movie!

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