No worries I'll grab it another night (actually I think I got a puncture)! innertube valve has been chafed and split bloody brilliant! Jai
Jamie I don't envy your position I didn't work for a year and a half and when I wanted a job nothing was about at all. My landy was off the road for a while too. Its hard but don't give up. There is a job out there just waiting for you. Dispite the Credit crunch.

Remember the disrespectful protest the muslim extremists held while our proud troops marched through Luton town. Well watch this space they may get a shock before this month is out. Jai
i last worked in august, its silly i can do loads of jobs i see but i aint got the bits of paper that say i can do them, phoned a few today hopefully something turns up soon, ohwel gotta keep smilein :D
No worries I'll grab it another night (actually I think I got a puncture)! innertube valve has been chafed and split bloody brilliant! Jai
i got one 2 lol, went out at 12.45 yesterday for a friends birthday at a curry house to find i had a puncture, was late and dirty when i got there.
Apologies for the delay. Here are my pics from our recent jaunt to Essex.







Hi all,
Butting in some 500 pages too late, but mind if I tag along next time!!! I am a bit of a newbie but will try not to be too much of a big girls blouse!!
You got the wrong man..... if you saw me drive first you would have known. :D
All I have every "raced" is a few track days type before I bought the Landy for a change of pace LOL
no worries Simon, where abouts are you based anywhere near Luton? We are always about keep an eye on here for times dates etc Jai
Remember the disrespectful protest the muslim extremists held while our proud troops marched through Luton town. Well watch this space they may get a shock before this month is out. Jai

Its all ready started one has 24 hour police outside his house as he had bricks thrown through the windows and damage to the cars on the drive thats just the start
Simon S, of course you're welcome, as long as you've read every page of this thread.:D

We're planning a trip up to do the North Bed/Cambs lanes when they open up for the summer after May 1st.
We'll be out before then of course. Just keep an eye on this thread.

I've got a mate with a Defender who's a newbie too, same thing doesn't want scratches, etc.

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